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A geometric framework for interstellar discourse on fundamental physical structures
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-07 , DOI: 10.1142/s0219887824501901
Giampiero Esposito 1, 2 , Valeria Fionda 3

This paper considers the possibility that abstract thinking and advanced synthesis skills might encourage extraterrestrial civilizations to accept communication with mankind on Earth. For this purpose, a notation not relying upon the use of alphabet and numbers is proposed, in order to denote just some basic geometric structures of current physical theories: vector fields, 1-form fields, and tensor fields of arbitrary order. An advanced civilization might appreciate the way here proposed to achieve a concise description of electromagnetism and general relativity, and hence it might accept the challenge of responding to our signals. The abstract symbols introduced in this paper to describe the basic structures of physical theories are encoded into black and white bitmap images that can be easily converted into short bit sequences and modulated on a carrier wave for radio transmission.



