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The population of young low-mass stars in Trumpler 14⋆⋆⋆
Astronomy & Astrophysics ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-14 , DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202347380
Dominika Itrich , Leonardo Testi , Giacomo Beccari , Carlo F. Manara , Megan Reiter , Thomas Preibisch , Anna F. McLeod , Giovanni Rosotti , Ralf Klessen , Sergio Molinari , Patrick Hennebelle

Massive star-forming regions are thought to be the most common birth environments in the Galaxy and the only birth places of very massive stars. Their presence in the stellar cluster alters the conditions within the cluster, impacting at the same time the evolution of other cluster members. In principle, copious amounts of ultraviolet radiation produced by massive stars can remove material from outer parts of the protoplanetary discs around low- and intermediate-mass stars in the process of external photoevaporation, effectively reducing the planet formation capabilities of those discs. Here, we present deep VLT/MUSE observations of low-mass stars in Trumpler 14, one of the most massive, young, and compact clusters in the Carina Nebula Complex. We provide spectral and stellar properties of 717 sources and based on the distribution of stellar ages, derive the cluster age of ∼1 Myr. The majority of the stars in our sample have masses ≤1 M, which makes our spectroscopic catalogue the deepest to date in term of mass and proves that detailed investigations of low-mass stars are possible in the massive but distant regions. Spectroscopic studies of low-mass members of the whole Carina Nebula Complex are missing. Our work marks an important step forward towards filling this gap and sets the stage for follow-up investigations of accretion properties in Trumpler 14.


特鲁姆普勒的年轻低质量恒星数量 14⋆⋆⋆

大质量恒星形成区域被认为是银河系中最常见的诞生环境,也是超大质量恒星的唯一诞生地。它们在星团中的存在改变了星团内的条件,同时影响了其他星团成员的演化。原则上,大质量恒星产生的大量紫外线可以在外部光蒸发过程中去除低质量和中等质量恒星周围原行星盘外部的物质,从​​而有效降低这些盘的行星形成能力。在这里,我们展示了对 Trumpler 14 中低质量恒星的深度 VLT/MUSE 观测,Trumpler 14 是船底座星云群中质量最大、最年轻、最致密的星团之一。我们提供了 717 个源的光谱和恒星特性,并根据恒星年龄的分布,推导出~1 Myr 的星团年龄。我们样本中的大多数恒星的质量≤1 M ,这使得我们的光谱目录是迄今为止质量最深的,并证明在质量大但遥远的区域对低质量恒星进行详细研究是可能的。对整个船底座星云复合体的低质量成员的光谱研究缺失。我们的工作标志着朝着填补这一空白迈出了重要一步,并为 Trumpler 14 吸积特性的后续调查奠定了基础。