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A century of statistical Ecology
Ecology ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-13 , DOI: 10.1002/ecy.4283
Neil A. Gilbert 1, 2 , Bruna R. Amaral 1, 2 , Olivia M. Smith 1, 2, 3 , Peter J. Williams 1, 2 , Sydney Ceyzyk 2 , Samuel Ayebare 1, 2 , Kayla L. Davis 1, 2 , Wendy Leuenberger 1, 2 , Jeffrey W. Doser 1, 2 , Elise F. Zipkin 1, 2

As data and computing power have surged in recent decades, statistical modeling has become an important tool for understanding ecological patterns and processes. Statistical modeling in ecology faces two major challenges. First, ecological data may not conform to traditional methods, and second, professional ecologists often do not receive extensive statistical training. In response to these challenges, the journal Ecology has published many innovative statistical ecology papers that introduced novel modeling methods and provided accessible guides to statistical best practices. In this paper, we reflect on Ecology's history and its role in the emergence of the subdiscipline of statistical ecology, which we define as the study of ecological systems using mathematical equations, probability, and empirical data. We showcase 36 influential statistical ecology papers that have been published in Ecology over the last century and, in so doing, comment on the evolution of the field. As data and computing power continue to increase, we anticipate continued growth in statistical ecology to tackle complex analyses and an expanding role for Ecology to publish innovative and influential papers, advancing the discipline and guiding practicing ecologists.



近几十年来,随着数据和计算能力的激增,统计模型已成为理解生态模式和过程的重要工具。生态学统计模型面临两大挑战。首先,生态数据可能不符合传统方法,其次,专业生态学家往往没有接受过广泛的统计培训。为了应对这些挑战,该杂志生态发表了许多创新的统计生态学论文,介绍了新颖的建模方法,并提供了统计最佳实践的易于理解的指南。在本文中,我们反思生态的历史及其在统计生态学分支学科出现中的作用,我们将其定义为使用数学方程、概率和经验数据对生态系统的研究。我们展示了 36 篇发表在《统计生态学》杂志上的有影响力的统计生态学论文生态上个世纪的历史,并在此过程中对该领域的演变进行评论。随着数据和计算能力的不断增强,我们预计统计生态学将持续增长,以解决复杂的分析问题,并发挥越来越大的作用生态发表创新且有影响力的论文,推进学科发展并指导实践生态学家。