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*READ**THIS*!! Spam as a threat for open science
New Media & Society ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-13 , DOI: 10.1177/14614448241248655
Johanna Cohoon 1

Drawing on multiple sources of qualitative data, I describe a case of open science infrastructure (OSI) abuse. The case illustrates how developers navigated scholarly value tensions and issues of epistemic and platform legitimacy while battling spam on their open science webapp. Notably, their struggle used precious financial resources and drew attention away from other development tasks like feature expansion. This research makes evident that not only is OSI abuse like spam a financial burden, but it puts scholarly information security—specifically, the legitimacy of open science content—at risk. However, protecting against such abuse is not a trivial matter; it raises questions of who is responsible for defining and enforcing scholarly values. The urgency of this issue is magnified by OSI’s relationship to public trust in science.



我利用多个来源的定性数据,描述了一个滥用开放科学基础设施 (OSI) 的案例。该案例说明了开发人员如何在其开放科学网络应用程序上与垃圾邮件作斗争时,如何应对学术价值紧张以及认知和平台合法性问题。值得注意的是,他们的斗争使用了宝贵的财务资源,并分散了人们对功能扩展等其他开发任务的注意力。这项研究表明,OSI 滥用不仅会像垃圾邮件一样造成经济负担,而且还会使学术信息安全(特别是开放科学内容的合法性)面临风险。然而,防止此类滥用并不是一件小事。它提出了谁负责定义和执行学术价值观的问题。 OSI 与公众对科学信任的关系放大了这个问题的紧迫性。