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A National Survey of Pregnancy and Parenthood Among Nephrology Trainees: A Focus on Nephrology Fellowship
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology ( IF 8.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-10 , DOI: 10.2215/cjn.0000000000000486
Angelina Dixon 1 , Nisha Bansal 2 , Susanne B. Nicholas 3 , Anna Ostrow 1 , Jessica Kendrick 1

ildcare due to nontraditional work hours with extended or unpredictable shifts. Here, we examine awareness of current policies in United States (US) nephrology fellowship programs regarding parental leave, pregnancy/breastfeeding accommodations, and fellows’ perspectives on family planning. Methods: An anonymous, on-line survey of US nephrology fellows was undertaken from June 9 to August, 24, 2023. Results: One hundred twenty nephrology fellows submitted the survey. A majority of fellow respondents were unaware of parental leave policies of their training programs (63%), Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) (75%), and/or American Board of Medical Specialties(ABMS) (75%). Forty two percent were unaware of the duration of parental leave at their program. Nearly 45% of all respondents were unsure if their program limited night shifts or shifts greater than 24 hours for pregnant trainees. Forty three percent reported they were unsure of lactation accommodations, and 40% were unsure of access to subsidized childcare. When fellows received work accommodations for pregnancy or parenthood, their work obligations were largely covered by co-fellows (60%) or attendings (38%). Over 60% of fellows agreed or strongly agreed that they would avoid a pregnancy in fellowship due to concern they would have to extend their training. Of the 40 fellows who chose to pursue pregnancy or parenthood during medical training, 75% did not change their career plans as a result. Conclusions: Most nephrology fellows were unaware of parental leave policies and pregnancy/lactation accommodations. While the topic itself has a broad impact to all physician trainees, there is need for improved awareness about national and local program policies among trainees across individual nephrology programs. Copyright © 2024 by the American Society of Nephrology...



由于非传统工作时间延长或不可预测的轮班而导致的 ildcare。在这里,我们研究了人们对美国肾脏病研究金计划中有关育儿假、怀孕/哺乳住宿以及研究员对计划生育的看法的现行政策的认识。方法:2023 年 6 月 9 日至 8 月 24 日对美国肾脏病学研究员进行了一项匿名在线调查。结果:120 名肾脏病学研究员提交了调查。大多数受访者不知道其培训项目的育儿假政策(63%)、研究生医学教育认证委员会(ACGME)(75%)和/或美国医学专业委员会(ABMS)(75%)。百分之四十二的人不知道他们项目中的育儿假的持续时间。近 45% 的受访者不确定他们的计划是否限制怀孕学员上夜班或轮班时间超过 24 小时。 43% 的人表示他们不确定哺乳住宿,40% 的人不确定能否获得补贴的托儿服务。当研究员因怀孕或生育而获得工作安排时,他们的工作义务主要由同事(60%)或主治医生(38%)承担。超过 60% 的研究员同意或强烈同意他们会避免在研究员期间怀孕,因为他们担心必须延长培训时间。在 40 名在医学培训期间选择怀孕或生育的研究员中,75% 的人没有因此改变他们的职业计划。结论:大多数肾脏病专家不了解育儿假政策和怀孕/哺乳期住宿。虽然该主题本身对所有实习医生都有广泛的影响,但需要提高各个肾病学项目的实习生对国家和地方项目政策的认识。版权所有 © 2024 美国肾脏病学会...