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Statistical Insignificance is not wholesale transfer in L3 Acquisition: an approximate replication of Rothman (2011)
Studies in Second Language Acquisition ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-13 , DOI: 10.1017/s0272263124000342
Kyle Parrish

This study was an approximate replication of Rothman (2011),examining the determiner phrase syntax of a large sample (n = 211) of L3 learners of Portuguese who spoke English and Spanish. Rothman (2011) investigated whether L3 Italian or Brazilian Portuguese speakers are differently impacted by another known Romance Language, if it was their L1 or L2. The original study concluded that groups did not perform differently on experimental tasks on the basis of a null effect, and that the typological similarity of Spanish, Portuguese, or Italian predicts transfer in the initial stages of L3 acquisition. The present replication recreated all materials, which were unavailable, and examined the same population and questions. However, rather than examining L3 Italian and L3 Brazilian Portuguese, the present work maintained a constant L3 Portuguese. Learners were divided into two groups in a mirror-image design (n = 96 L1 English-L2 Spanish, n = 115 L1 Spanish-L2 English), and data were collected online. Like the original study, there was no main effect of group in any of the two-way analyses of variance. However, results show that it should not be assumed that experimental groups behave equivalently based on a null effect: Of the four total post hoc tests of equivalence, only two were significant when the equivalence bounds were set at a small effect size (d = $ \pm $ .4). Ultimately, it is argued that determining the smallest effect size of interest and subsequent equivalence testing are necessary to answer key questions in the field of L3 acquisition.


统计上的显着性并非 L3 收购中的大规模转移:Rothman (2011) 的近似复制

这项研究是 Rothman (2011) 的近似复制,检查了大样本的限定词短语语法(n= 211) 讲英语和西班牙语的 L3 葡萄牙语学习者。 Rothman (2011) 调查了说 L3 意大利语或巴西葡萄牙语的人是否受到另一种已知罗曼语的不同影响(如果是 L1 或 L2)。最初的研究得出的结论是,在零效应的基础上,各组在实验任务上的表现并没有不同,并且西班牙语、葡萄牙语或意大利语的类型学相似性预示着三语习得初始阶段的迁移。当前的复制重新创建了所有无法获得的材料,并检查了相同的人群和问题。然而,目前的工作并没有研究 L3 意大利语和 L3 巴西葡萄牙语,而是保持不变的 L3 葡萄牙语。学习者按照镜像设计分为两组(n= 96 L1 英语-L2 西班牙语,n= 115 L1 西班牙语-L2 英语),数据是在线收集的。与最初的研究一样,在任何双向方差分析中都没有群体的主效应。然而,结果表明,不应假设实验组在无效效应的基础上表现相同:在四项事后等效性检验中,只有两项在将等效范围设置为较小的效应量时显着(d = $ \下午$ .4).最终,有人认为,确定感兴趣的最小效应大小和随后的等效性测试对于回答 L3 习得领域的关键问题是必要的。