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Gender inclusion: The practices of organizational development and human resource management
International Journal of Hospitality Management ( IF 9.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2024.103773
Vorakarn Chalermchaikit , Metin Kozak , Sirichai Preudhikulpradab

This study explores gender inclusion via practices of organizational development and human resource management from general managers in five-star hotels based on the gap between current practices, expectations, and typical general managers' characteristics. The study states the related theories of organizational culture, corporate policies, perceived organizational support, core competencies, and gender perceptions. A mixed method was applied in three stages. Quantitative research was conducted with 400 executive staff using 25 structured questionnaires via a Likert scale: Needs Assessment. The second stage is qualitative research conducted using five in-depth interview questions with 22 interviews conducted by the general manager. Interview transcripts collected the data, contents analysis inter-coding and triangulation of themes development. The last stage is the development of a model and guidelines, which are conducted by juxtaposing quantitative and qualitative data and expert reviews. The study discusses the implications for the literature and practice.



本研究根据当前实践、期望和典型总经理特征之间的差距,通过五星级酒店总经理的组织发展和人力资源管理实践探索性别包容。该研究阐述了组织文化、公司政策、感知组织支持、核心能力和性别认知的相关理论。分三个阶段应用混合方法。通过李克特量表:需求评估,使用 25 份结构化调查问卷对 400 名管理人员进行了定量研究。第二阶段是定性研究,使用五个深度访谈问题,对总经理进行了 22 次访谈。访谈记录收集了数据、内容分析、互编码和主题开发的三角测量。最后一个阶段是制定模型和指南,通过并置定量和定性数据以及专家评审来进行。该研究讨论了对文献和实践的影响。