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Electrophysiological Evidence for a Whorfian Double Dissociation of Categorical Perception Across Two Languages
Language Learning ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-11 , DOI: 10.1111/lang.12648
Aina Casaponsa 1 , M. Acebo García‐Guerrero 2 , Alejandro Martínez 3 , Natalia Ojeda 2 , Guillaume Thierry 4, 5 , Panos Athanasopoulos 1, 6

Taza in Spanish refers to cups and mugs in English, whereas glass refers to different glass types in Spanish: copa and vaso. It is still unclear whether such categorical distinctions induce early perceptual differences in speakers of different languages. In this study, for the first time, we report symmetrical effects of terminology on preattentive indices of categorical perception across languages. Native speakers of English or Spanish saw arrays of cups, mugs, copas, and vasos flashed in streams. Visual mismatch negativity, an implicit electrophysiological correlate of perceptual change in the peripheral visual field, was modulated for categorical contrasts marked in the participants’ native language but not for objects designated by the same label. Conversely, P3a, an index of attentional orienting, was modulated only for missing contrasts in the participants’ native language. Thus, whereas native labels influenced participants’ preattentive perceptual encoding of objects, nonverbally encoded dissociations reoriented their attention at a later processing stage.



塔扎西班牙语中的 是指英语中的杯子和马克杯,而玻璃在西班牙语中是指不同类型的玻璃:科帕瓦索。目前尚不清楚这种类别上的区别是否会导致不同语言使用者的早期感知差异。在这项研究中,我们首次报告了术语对跨语言分类感知的前注意指数的对称影响。以英语或西班牙语为母语的人看到了一排排的杯子、马克杯、科帕斯, 和血管在溪流中闪烁。视觉失配负性是周边视野感知变化的隐式电生理相关性,它针对以参与者母语标记的分类对比进行调节,但不适用于由相同标签指定的对象。相反,P3a(注意力定向指数)仅针对参与者母语中缺失的对比进行调整。因此,虽然原生标签影响参与者对物体的前注意感知编码,但非语言编码的分离在稍后的处理阶段重新调整了他们的注意力。