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Sustainable hospitality and tourism in the Anthropocene era: the need for a more radical shift of the current circular economy models
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management ( IF 9.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-14 , DOI: 10.1108/ijchm-06-2023-0854
Marcella De Martino , Valentina Apicerni , Antonia Gravagnuolo


This paper aims to critically analyse the circular economy (CE) models adopted in hospitality and tourism to tackle societal challenges in the current Anthropocene era, exploring the driving values and sustainability approaches.


A systematic literature review was carried out with an increasing level of analysis to delve more in-depth into the ability of the CE models to respond to current societal challenges. The review involved a stepwise analysis, starting with a thematic analysis of 151 papers to create a conceptual structure map of circular hospitality and tourism literature. Based on originality and representativeness, 22 papers were selected and analysed according to Hoffman and Jennings’ (2018; 2021) institutional approach to sustainability, which entails specific archetypes to address the Anthropocene society: market rules, technology fix and cultural re-enlightening.


The hospitality and tourism industry has made progress towards implementing CE models. However, CE models in market role and technology fix archetypes may fail to address the current challenges of the Anthropocene era. New culture-led approaches within the cultural re-enlightening archetype, such as the regenerative land practices, a-growth and place-making, and circular society, can foster a more radical shift towards strong sustainability.

Research limitations/implications

The paper highlights the urgent need for a cultural shift towards radical and strong sustainability, identifying future research directions. Policymakers have a crucial role in shaping sustainability practices consistent with an ecological culture centred on acknowledging planetary boundaries.


Despite the increasing interest in CE models, it is still debated how the hospitality and tourism industry can continue to thrive while avoiding harmful impacts on the environment and local communities. The study critically reflects on the current contribution of CE models towards strong sustainability in hospitality and tourism.






我们进行了系统的文献综述,并进行了越来越多的分析,以更深入地研究CE模型应对当前社会挑战的能力。该综述涉及逐步分析,首先对 151 篇论文进行主题分析,以创建循环酒店和旅游文献的概念结构图。基于原创性和代表性,根据 Hoffman 和 Jennings(2018;2021)的可持续发展制度方法选择和分析了 22 篇论文,该方法需要解决人类世社会的特定原型:市场规则、技术修复和文化重新启蒙。


酒店和旅游业在实施 CE 模式方面取得了进展。然而,市场角色和技术修复原型中的CE模型可能无法解决人类世时代当前的挑战。文化再启蒙原型中以文化为主导的新方法,例如再生土地实践、增长和场所营造以及循环社会,可以促进向强大可持续性的更根本转变。




尽管人们对 CE 模式越来越感兴趣,但酒店和旅游业如何继续蓬勃发展,同时避免对环境和当地社区产生有害影响,仍然存在争议。该研究批判性地反思了当前 CE 模型对酒店和旅游业的可持续发展的贡献。
