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Wake effects and temperature plumes: Coping with non-knowledge in the expansion of wind and geothermal energy
Social Studies of Science ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-10 , DOI: 10.1177/03063127241246551
Marco Sonnberger 1, 2 , Maria Pfeiffer 1, 3 , Alena Bleicher 4 , Matthias Gross 1, 5

Energy transitions are knowledge-intensive processes where a multitude of actors are trying to cope with inevitable knowledge gaps, surprises, and uncertainties. In this context, we focus on two techno-physical phenomena that are gaining practical relevance with the expansion of wind and geothermal energy extraction, and are surrounded by significant unknowns: wake effects and temperature plumes. Both phenomena can potentially affect the efficiency of energy production, but the extent of their impact is not yet known. Based on 28 semi-structured interviews with experts in the fields of wind and geothermal energy, we explore how different central actors perceive and interpret non-knowledge of wake effects and temperature plumes, and how they deal with it. We show that there are strategies for either using non-knowledge as a basis for action or simply ignoring it and sweeping knowledge gaps under the rug. Both strategies serve the function of protecting agency and keeping things going.



能源转型是知识密集型过程,众多参与者都在努力应对不可避免的知识差距、意外和不确定性。在此背景下,我们关注两种技术物理现象,它们随着风能和地热能开采的扩大而获得实际相关性,并被重要的未知数所包围:尾流效应和温度羽流。这两种现象都可能影响能源生产的效率,但其影响程度尚不清楚。基于对风能和地热能领域专家的 28 次半结构化访谈,我们探讨了不同的中心参与者如何感知和解释对尾流效应和温度羽流的不了解,以及他们如何应对。我们表明,有一些策略可以使用非知识作为行动的基础,或者干脆忽视它并掩盖知识差距。这两种策略都起到了保护能动性和保持事情进展的功能。