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Justice for Women After Sexual Assault: A Critical Interpretive Synthesis
Trauma, Violence, & Abuse ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-10 , DOI: 10.1177/15248380241248411
Joanna Collaton 1 , Paula Barata 1 , Mavis Morton 1 , Kim Barton 1 , Stephen P. Lewis 1

Justice after sexual assault is often understood and enacted through the criminal legal system such that the outcomes are binary (i.e., justice is achieved or not achieved). Previous research indicates that survivors have specific wants and needs following an assault in order to experience justice, which may or may not align with current practices. We conducted a critical interpretive synthesis of 5 databases to create a sampling frame of 4,203 records; the final analysis included 81 articles, book chapters, and policy documents. Results indicate that justice is an individualized and dynamic process which may include the experience of voice, connectedness, participating in a process, accountability, and prevention. The experiences of safety and control are central to each of these domains. Survivors may seek and enact these justice domains through several avenues, including the criminal justice and legal systems, restorative justice, medical/mental health spaces, activism, art, and social media. Existing actors within currently available justice systems, including legal, medical, and mental health personnel should encourage survivors to identify and define their own experience of justice, including locating helpful behaviors rooted in safety and control, and resist a binary model of justice. Extant systems should therefore be flexible and accessible to help survivors realize their preferred modes of justice.



性侵犯后的正义通常是通过刑事法律体系来理解和实施的,因此结果是二元的(即正义得到实现或未实现)。先前的研究表明,遭受袭击后,幸存者为了获得正义而有特定的愿望和需求,这可能符合也可能不符合当前的做法。我们对 5 个数据库进行了严格的解释综合,创建了包含 4,203 条记录的抽样框架;最终分析包括81篇文章、书籍章节和政策文件。结果表明,正义是一个个性化和动态的过程,可能包括声音体验、联系、参与过程、问责和预防。安全和控制体验是每个领域的核心。幸存者可以通过多种途径寻求并实施这些正义领域,包括刑事司法和法律体系、恢复性司法、医疗/心理健康空间、行动主义、艺术和社交媒体。当前司法系统中的现有参与者,包括法律、医疗和心理健康人员,应鼓励幸存者识别和定义自己的正义体验,包括找出植根于安全和控制的有益行为,并抵制二元正义模式。因此,现有系统应该灵活且易于使用,以帮助幸存者实现他们喜欢的司法模式。