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‘I'm still su!c!dal when you're done with the paperwork’: an inductive framework thematic analysis of #camhs on TikTok
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-10 , DOI: 10.1111/jcpp.14002
Molly Foster 1 , Hannah Frith 1 , Mary John 1

BackgroundYoung people are sharing their experiences of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) in the United Kingdom on TikTok. Little is known about the content of these videos and their influence on young people's attitudes towards seeking professional mental health support.MethodsThis study explored how CAMHS is represented in a sample of 100 #camhs TikTok videos using participatory inductive framework thematic analysis.ResultsFour themes were developed alongside young people as co‐researchers: (a) CAMHS can be frustrating and unhelpful, but sometimes life‐saving, (b) Young people can feel their distress is invalidated by CAMHS, (c) CAMHS makes young people feel responsible for their distress, and (d) Young people may not feel CAMHS professionals are trustworthy. Video content described dismissive responses to expressions of suicidal ideation, professional knowledge being privileged over lived experience, and breaches of confidentiality. Some shared positive experiences of CAMHS helping to keep them safe.ConclusionsTogether, the themes reflect a representation of CAMHS as a service where adults are powerful and young people occupy a subjugated position. This may influence young people's professional help‐seeking behaviour. Recommendations for clinical practice and future research are presented.


“当你完成文书工作时,我仍然很高兴!c!dal”:对 TikTok 上#camhs 的归纳框架主题分析

背景年轻人正在 TikTok 上分享英国儿童和青少年心理健康服务 (CAMHS) 的经验。人们对这些视频的内容及其对年轻人寻求专业心理健康支持的态度的影响知之甚少。方法本研究使用参与归纳框架主题分析,探讨了如何在 100 个#camhs TikTok 视频样本中代表 CAMHS。结果开发了四个主题作为联合研究人员与年轻人一起:(a) CAMHS 可能会令人沮丧且无益,但有时可以挽救生命,(b) 年轻人会觉得 CAMHS 消除了他们的痛苦,(c) CAMHS 让年轻人感到对自己的痛苦负有责任, (d) 年轻人可能不觉得 CAMHS 专业人士值得信赖。视频内容描述了对表达自杀意念的轻蔑反应、专业知识优先于生活经验以及违反保密规定。一些人分享了 CAMHS 帮助确保他们安全的积极经验。结论总的来说,这些主题反映了 CAMHS 作为一项服务的表现,其中成年人拥有强大的力量,而年轻人占据着被征服的地位。这可能会影响年轻人的专业寻求帮助行为。提出了临床实践和未来研究的建议。