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Pulp addiction? Perspectives of local regime actors on the development of the growing pulp industry in Uruguay
Forest Policy and Economics ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.forpol.2024.103248
Veera Tahvanainen , Anu Laakkonen , Ossi Pesälä , Lucía Pittaluga , Teppo Hujala , Jouni Pykäläinen

The pulp and paper industry is one of the largest industries in the world. The main actors are a few multi-national enterprises operating in global markets. The industry is increasingly moving its production to the Global South, which alters global pulp value chains and the national socio-technical regimes of those countries. Additionally, the sustainability paradigm and transition to bioeconomy are challenging the pulp and paper industry of today. We conducted semi-structured expert interviews, analyzed, and interpreted the findings through the multi-level perspective framework. The study aims to advance knowledge on how the local regime actors inside the pulp regime perceive the development of the Uruguayan pulp industry since the MNEs established operations in Uruguay until 2018. Our findings suggest that local regime actors see that the Uruguayan pulp industry regime and its' development is highly influenced by multinational enterprises and the way they organized their global value chains. Uruguay's role in the global pulp industry value chain remains as a material resource provider, which has not improved the innovation capacity of the country particularly. The interviewees however feel that this is a key issue to develop in the country. Thus, we suggest that a transition to a sustainable bioeconomy in Uruguay would require steps forward in the immaterial resource base with closer cooperation between the industrial actors, the national research and education actors, and local small and medium-sized enterprises. In large-scale Global North–Global South investments a true collaboration between the multi-national enterprises and local regime actors is crucial for reaching a strongly sustainable bioeconomy.



纸浆和造纸工业是世界上最大的工业之一。主要参与者是一些在全球市场运营的跨国企业。该行业越来越多地将其生产转移到南半球,这改变了全球纸浆价值链和这些国家的社会技术体制。此外,可持续发展范式和向生物经济的转型正在挑战当今的纸浆和造纸行业。我们进行了半结构化的专家访谈,通过多层次的视角框架对调查结果进行了分析和解释。该研究旨在加深了解自跨国企业在乌拉圭开展业务以来直至 2018 年,纸浆政权内部的地方政权参与者如何看待乌拉圭纸浆行业的发展。我们的研究结果表明,地方政权参与者认为乌拉圭纸浆工业政权及其发展很大程度上受到跨国企业及其全球价值链组织方式的影响。乌拉圭在全球纸浆产业价值链中的角色仍然是物质资源提供者,这并没有特别提高该国的创新能力。然而,受访者认为这是该国发展的一个关键问题。因此,我们建议乌拉圭向可持续生物经济转型需要在非物质资源基础上取得进展,并在工业参与者、国家研究和教育参与者以及当地中小企业之间进行更密切的合作。在大规模的北半球和南半球投资中,跨国企业和地方政权参与者之间的真正合作对于实现高度可持续的生物经济至关重要。