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Forest sector contribution to the National Economy: Example wood products value chains originating from Iringa region, Tanzania
Forest Policy and Economics ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.forpol.2024.103246
Beatus John Temu , Gerald C. Monela , Dietrich Darr , Jumanne M. Abdallah , Jürgen Pretzsch

The contribution of the forest sector to the national economy and to livelihood of people is often underestimated, particularly where its ripple effects in the economy are ignored, placing it in less advantageous position in decisions regarding resource allocation among sectors of a national economy. In order to depict the sector's contribution to Tanzania's economy, data was collected at macro (Input-Output tables for base year 2015) and micro (wood products value chains) levels. At macro level, analysis involved categorization of national production into (1) forest and related sector production (FRSP) and (2) other sector (non-forest related) production (OSP). Gross value added (GVA), Simple Output Multipliers (SOM) and net trade values were revealed. At micro level, a Participative Innovation Platform (PIP) workshop was conducted in one region, Iringa, purposively selected due to availability of data sources for variety of wood products value chains in the region. Also, a survey of 369 smallholders and 2 large-scale wood enterprises was done to acquire data to quantify the chains value added and its distribution into margins, wages and taxes. Results revealed that the forest sector was comprised of 6 out of 67 sectors of the national economy and contributed 4.26% to GVA. The study concluded that primary wood production from the forestry and logging sector was consumed mainly as final demand despite the low economic linkage of the sector in inducing output to national economy. Hence, investment in secondary and tertiary wood sectors should be encouraged to boost the forest sector's contribution.



林业部门对国民经济和民生的贡献往往被低估,特别是在忽视其对经济的连锁反应的情况下,使其在国民经济各部门之间的资源配置决策中处于不利地位。为了描述该行业对坦桑尼亚经济的贡献,收集了宏观(2015 基准年投入产出表)和微观(木制品价值链)层面的数据。在宏观层面,分析涉及将国民生产分为(1)森林及相关部门生产(FRSP)和(2)其他部门(非森林相关)生产(OSP)。公布了总增加值 (GVA)、简单产出乘数 (SOM) 和净贸易值。在微观层面上,在伊林加地区举办了一次参与式创新平台(PIP)研讨会,之所以选择该地区是因为该地区拥有各种木制品价值链的数据源。此外,还对 369 个小农和 2 个大型木材企业进行了调查,以获取数据来量化价值链附加值及其在利润、工资和税收中的分配。结果显示,林业部门占国民经济67个部门中的6个,对GVA的贡献率为4.26%。该研究得出的结论是,尽管林业和伐木部门在为国民经济带来产出方面的经济联系较低,但林业和伐木部门的初级木材生产主要作为最终需求而被消费。因此,应鼓励对第二和第三木材部门的投资,以提高林业部门的贡献。