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Supercritical water depolymerization of black liquor, refining and comprehensive analysis of products including biopolyols
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.supflu.2024.106296
Emre Demirkaya , María José Cocero , Danilo Cantero

Black liquor (BL) has valuable lignin and its derived compounds, which can be used for many purposes, such as polyol synthesis. Herein, we reveal polyols presence in depolymerized black liquor (DBL) and propose a fast and scalable approach to increase the yield of this fraction. Hydrothermal treatment (HTL) of black liquor (385°C, 26 MPa) was performed in a custom designed supercritical water (SCW) pilot-plant with rapid reaction times of around 0.4 s. Ash-free, total ethyl acetate extracted bio-oil yield was found 77% w/w. In addition to the contribution of the detailed fractionation methods, this study highlights continuous operation (>1 hour), and short reaction times (∼0.4 s) of raw black liquor in SCW to produce biopolyols and aromatic bio-oil.



黑液(BL)含有有价值的木质素及其衍生化合物,可用于多种用途,例如多元醇合成。在此,我们揭示了解聚黑液 (DBL) 中存在的多元醇,并提出了一种快速且可扩展的方法来提高该馏分的产量。黑液(385°C,26MPa)的水热处理(HTL)在定制设计的超临界水(SCW)中试装置中进行,快速反应时间约为0.4秒。发现无灰、乙酸乙酯提取的生物油总产率为 77% w/w。除了详细的分馏方法的贡献外,本研究还强调了超临界水黑液的连续操作(>1 小时)和短反应时间(∼0.4 秒),以生产生物多元醇和芳香族生物油。