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Optimizing bikeshare service to connect affordable housing units with transit service
Journal of Transport Geography ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2024.103894
Xiaodong Qian , Runhua (Ivan) Xiao , Raina Joby , Miguel Jaller

Affordable housing and transit accessibility have long been focal points for housing and urban development agencies at all levels, from national to regional. However, these elements are often considered and planned for independently, leading over time to an expanding spatial gap between affordable housing and transit services. This separation creates issues of mobility equity. Fortunately, bikeshare, an emerging mobility solution, provides the potential to bridge this spatial gap between affordable housing communities and transit services. To leverage this, we designed a bikeshare station (BSS) location optimization tool that aims to alleviate the impacts of this spatial divide through bikeshare services. Specifically, we developed a multimodal agent-based modeling (ABM) and simulation framework aimed at enhancing accessibility to a variety of destinations. To solve this optimization problem, we developed a genetic algorithm to determine the optimal locations for BSS. There are three main conclusions from this research. First, the strategic positioning of BSS will enhance accessibility for affordable housing community (AHC) residents by reducing average transit travel time and walk distance, or increasing the number of destinations accessible by transit. This underscores the advantages of combining bikeshare and transit systems to cater to the mobility requirements of AHC residents, especially for non-work-related trips in suburban areas. Second, the relationship between transit and bikeshare is twofold: complementation and substitution. In instances where a lengthy trip involves multiple transit transfers and significant waiting time, bikeshare could replace some transit trips. Lastly, but most importantly, this study advises a forward-looking approach for governments and operators to avoid the waste of public resources when planning bikeshare systems. The tool developed by this research can facilitate this forward-looking approach in practice.



经济适用房和交通便利性长期以来一直是从国家到地区各级住房和城市发展机构的关注焦点。然而,这些要素往往是独立考虑和规划的,随着时间的推移,导致经济适用住房和交通服务之间的空间差距不断扩大。这种分离造成了流动性公平问题。幸运的是,共享单车这种新兴的出行解决方案有可能弥合经济适用住房社区和交通服务之间的空间差距。为了利用这一点,我们设计了一个共享单车站(BSS)位置优化工具,旨在通过共享单车服务减轻这种空间鸿沟的影响。具体来说,我们开发了一个基于多模式代理的建模(ABM)和模拟框架,旨在增强对各种目的地的可达性。为了解决这个优化问题,我们开发了一种遗传算法来确定 BSS 的最佳位置。这项研究得出三个主要结论。首先,BSS的战略定位将通过减少平均交通出行时间和步行距离,或增加交通可达的目的地数量,提高经济适用住房社区(AHC)居民的可达性。这凸显了将共享单车和交通系统相结合的优势,可以满足 AHC 居民的出行需求,尤其是郊区非工作相关的出行需求。其次,公共交通和共享单车之间的关系是双重的:互补和替代。如果长途旅行涉及多次公交换乘和较长的等待时间,共享单车可以取代一些公交出行。 最后但最重要的是,这项研究为政府和运营商提供了一种前瞻性的方法,以避免在规划共享单车系统时浪费公共资源。这项研究开发的工具可以在实践中促进这种前瞻性方法。