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Estimating Soil Parameters From Hyperspectral Images: A benchmark dataset and the outcome of the HYPERVIEW challenge
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine ( IF 16.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-09 , DOI: 10.1109/mgrs.2024.3394040
Jakub Nalepa 1 , Lukasz Tulczyjew 2 , Bertrand Le Saux 3 , Nicolas Longépé 4 , Bogdan Ruszczak 5 , Agata M. Wijata 1 , Krzysztof Smykala 6 , Michal Myller 2 , Michal Kawulok 1 , Ridvan Salih Kuzu 7 , Frauke Albrecht 8 , Caroline Arnold 9 , Mohammad Alasawedah 10 , Suzanne Angeli 11 , Delphine Nobileau 12 , Achille Ballabeni 13 , Alessandro Lotti 13 , Alfredo Locarini 13 , Dario Modenini 13 , Paolo Tortora 13 , Michal Gumiela 2


从高光谱图像估计土壤参数:基准数据集和 HYPERVIEW 挑战的结果
