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Diving into deep learning
Nature Machine Intelligence ( IF 18.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-10 , DOI: 10.1038/s42256-024-00840-8
Ge Wang

Understanding Deep Learning

  • Simon J. D. Prince
The MIT Press: 2023. 544 pp. $90.00

The field of artificial intelligence (AI) has experienced a surge in developments over the past years, propelled by breakthroughs in deep learning with neural networks. This has revolutionized many aspects of society. However, the speed at which AI is advancing highlights the need for textbooks that provide essential resources for educating young researchers and professionals with the latest methodologies and best practices in deep learning, guiding them in exploring uncharted territories and harnessing the full potential of AI.




  • 西蒙·JD·普林斯
麻省理工学院出版社:2023 年。544 页,90.00 美元

过去几年,在神经网络深度学习突破的推动下,人工智能 (AI) 领域经历了飞速发展。这彻底改变了社会的许多方面。然而,人工智能的发展速度凸显了对教科书的需求,这些教科书为年轻研究人员和专业人士提供了必要的资源,以深度学习的最新方法和最佳实践来教育年轻研究人员和专业人员,指导他们探索未知领域并充分利用人工智能的潜力。
