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Extinction selectivity obscures patterns of trait-dependent endangerment in Columbiformes
Global Ecology and Biogeography ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-09 , DOI: 10.1111/geb.13851
Natàlia Martínez‐Rubio 1 , Ferran Sayol 1 , Oriol Lapiedra 1

Understanding how extinction has occurred in the recent past is crucial to unravel its main drivers as well as to implement effective conservation practices to minimize global biodiversity loss. It has long been hypothesized that extinction risk is not randomly distributed among traits of species. However, the actual traits making species more prone to extinction may have been overlooked because already extinct species are often not considered in comparative analyses of extinction risk. We characterized the drivers of extinction in a cosmopolitan bird clade, including Holocene and contemporary extinctions potentially related to human impacts and provided evidence of an ‘extinction selectivity’ in species traits.


