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Influence of compression garments on proprioception: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-09 , DOI: 10.1111/nyas.15144
Shashank Ghai 1, 2 , Finn Nilson 1, 2, 3 , Johanna Gustavsson 1, 2 , Ishan Ghai 4

Compression garments (CGs) are commonly used in rehabilitation and sports contexts to enhance performance and speed up recovery. Despite the growing use of CGs in recent decades, there is no unanimous consensus on their overall influence on joint proprioception. In this current meta-analysis, we aim to fill this knowledge gap by assessing the impact of CGs on joint proprioception. We conducted a literature search across seven databases and one registry. Ultimately, we included 27 studies with 671 participants. The meta-analysis revealed that wearing CGs resulted in a significant reduction in absolute error during joint position sensing (Hedges’ g: −0.64, p = 0.006) as compared to no CGs. However, further analyses of variables such as constant error (p = 0.308), variable error (p = 0.541) during joint position sense tests, threshold to detect passive motion (p = 0.757), and active movement extent discrimination (p = 0.842) did not show a significant impact of CGs. The review also identified gaps in the reporting of certain outcomes, such as parameters of CGs, reporting of performance, individual-reported outcomes, and lack of placebo comparators. Consequently, this review provides guidelines for future studies that may facilitate evidence-based synthesis and ultimately contribute to a better understanding of the overall influence of CGs on joint proprioception.



压缩衣 (CG) 通常用于康复和运动环境中,以提高表现并加速恢复。尽管近几十年来CG的使用越来越多,但它们对联合本体感觉的总体影响尚未达成一致共识。在当前的荟萃分析中,我们旨在通过评估 CG 对关节本体感觉的影响来填补这一知识空白。我们对七个数据库和一个注册表进行了文献检索。最终,我们纳入了 27 项研究,涉及 671 名参与者。荟萃分析显示,与不佩戴 CG 相比,佩戴 CG 可以显着降低关节位置感测期间的绝对误差(Hedges’ g:-0.64,p = 0.006)。然而,进一步分析了诸如恒定误差(p = 0.308)、关节位置感测试期间的变量误差(p = 0.541)、检测被动运动的阈值(p = 0.757)和主动运动程度辨别(p = 0.842)等变量。没有显示出CG的显着影响。该审查还发现了某些结果报告中的差距,例如 CG 参数、表现报告、个人报告结果以及缺乏安慰剂比较。因此,本综述为未来的研究提供了指导方针,可能有助于基于证据的综合,并最终有助于更好地理解 CG 对关节本体感觉的总体影响。