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Bridging gaps, shaping futures: pelvic floor health for athletes (PhD Academy Award)
British Journal of Sports Medicine ( IF 11.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-01 , DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2024-108359
Silvia Giagio 1, 2

The aim of my thesis was to gain an in-depth understanding of various aspects of pelvic health in athletes, especially females. To achieve this, I combined different research method designs to investigate and summarise the available evidence on pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD) prevalence data and interventions, to improve the screening referral process and to disseminate evidence-based information to sports medicine professionals and athletes. The integration of pelvic floor health into sports medicine aims to improve the health and well-being of athletes through continuous support and monitoring. PFD is an umbrella term that includes a myriad of conditions including urinary and anal incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic pain and sexual dysfunction.1 2 The available literature indicates high prevalence rates of PFD among athletes, especially an increased risk of developing urinary incontinence symptoms during high-impact sports.3 However, PFD prevalence across sexes, exploring treatment options and the absence of a standardised referral screening tool are notable gaps in the research literature. Additionally, there is widespread misinformation about PFD in athletes within …



我论文的目的是深入了解运动员(尤其是女性)骨盆健康的各个方面。为了实现这一目标,我结合了不同的研究方法设计来调查和总结有关盆底功能障碍(PFD)患病率数据和干预措施的现有证据,以改进筛查转诊流程并向运动医学专业人士和运动员传播基于证据的信息。将盆底健康纳入运动医学旨在通过持续的支持和监测来改善运动员的健康和福祉。 PFD 是一个涵盖性术语,涵盖多种疾病,包括尿失禁和肛门失禁、盆腔器官脱垂、盆腔疼痛和性功能障碍。1 2 现有文献表明运动员中 PFD 的患病率很高,尤其是出现尿失禁症状的风险增加3 然而,PFD 在不同性别中的患病率、探索治疗方案以及缺乏标准化转诊筛查工具是研究文献中的显着差距。此外,关于运动员 PFD 的错误信息广泛存在……