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Affecting the future: A multi-method qualitative text and discourse analysis of emotions in Australian news reporting on climate change and climate anxiety
Journal of Sociology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-08 , DOI: 10.1177/14407833241248774
Rebecca E. Olson 1 , Alexandra Smith 1 , Jordan McKenzie 2 , Roger Patulny 3 , Alberto Bellocchi 4

Eco-anxiety and associated emotions are on the rise. International estimates range from 25–68% prevalence. Australians now regard climate change as their top concern for the future, with some young people reconsidering their intentions to become parents. The emotional sequela from climate change is becoming clearer. How it is conceptualised, responded to, and reinforced within public discourse requires further consideration. This paper presents a multi-method qualitative text and discourse analysis of Australian online news articles published in 2022 reporting on emotions and our ecological future. Drawing on sociological theories of emotions and Foucauldian conceptualisations of discourse, we present insights into the potency of emotions and discourses within online news media. We identify four differing conceptualisations of emotions, interpret what these discourses can do, and conclude with ways in which the public can reclaim agency in resisting discourses that engender passivity in the context of future ecological threats.



生态焦虑和相关情绪正在上升。国际估计患病率在 25-68% 之间。澳大利亚人现在将气候变化视为他们对未来最关心的问题,一些年轻人重新考虑他们成为父母的意图。气候变化带来的情感后遗症正变得越来越明显。如何在公共话语中对其进行概念化、回应和强化,需要进一步考虑。本文对 2022 年发表的澳大利亚在线新闻文章进行了多方法定性文本和话语分析,报道了情感和我们的生态未来。借鉴情感的社会学理论和福柯话语的概念化,我们对在线新闻媒体中情感和话语的效力提出了见解。我们确定了四种不同的情感概念,解释了这些话语的作用,并得出了公众可以在抵制未来生态威胁背景下产生被动性的话语时收回代理权的方法。