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A multi-locus phylogeny for the Diamesinae (Chironomidae: Diptera) provides new insights into evolution of an amphitropical clade
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-08 , DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlae035
Alexander A Semenchenko 1 , Peter S Cranston 2 , Eugenyi A Makarchenko 1

Diamesinae is a subfamily of Chironomidae, whose species live in cold lotic or oligotrophic lentic habitats with global distribution excepting Antarctica. The cool stenothermic ecology of nearly all diamesines produces a typical amphitropical pattern of absence at tropical latitudes, except at high elevation. Recent attention has focused on the species discovery, while evolutionary relationships at the generic and tribal level have remained inadequately understood. Current classification implies analogous evolutionary diversification in each hemisphere (boreal and austral). To test this concept, we used six genetic markers (18S, 28S, CAD1, COI-5p, COI-3p and COII) and fossil calibrations to produce a well-supported and resolved time-calibrated phylogeny of the subfamily. Austral and boreal diamesines indeed are reciprocally monophyletic lineages, with estimated Jurassic divergence (130-196, 164 Ma). The boreal Protanypodini, previously understood to be a tribe within Diamesinae, is excluded and elevated here to subfamily rank as Protanypodinae stat. nov. Ancestral austral diamesines probably originated in South America and successively reached New Zealand, Australia and South Africa during the Cretaceous-Paleogene. The Holarctic tribes Diamesini and Boreoheptagyiini probably originated in the Eastern Palaearctic with further dispersal/vicariance into the Western Palaearctic, Nearctic, East, and very likely dispersed southwards to montane East Africa and Borneo.



Diamesinae 是摇蚊科 (Chironomidae) 的一个亚科,其物种生活在寒冷的流水或寡营养的静水生境中,分布于除南极洲以外的全球。几乎所有二胺类动物的凉爽恒温生态都会在热带纬度地区(高海拔地区除外)产生典型的两性模式。最近的注意力集中在物种的发现上,而类属和部落层面的进化关系仍然没有得到充分的了解。目前的分类意味着每个半球(北方和南方)都有类似的进化多样化。为了测试这个概念,我们使用了六种遗传标记(18S、28S、CAD1、COI-5p、COI-3p 和 COII)和化石校准来生成该亚科得到良好支持和解析的时间校准系统发育。南方和北方双美目确实是互为单系谱系,估计有侏罗纪分歧(130-196、164 Ma)。北方的 Protanypodini,以前被认为是 Diamesinae 内的一个部落,在这里被排除并提升为 Protanypodinae stat 亚科。十一月南方双美西人的祖先可能起源于南美洲,在白垩纪-古近纪期间相继到达新西兰、澳大利亚和南非。全北区部落 Diamesini 和 Boreoheptagyiini 可能起源于古北界东部,并进一步分散/转移到古北界西部、近北界、东部,并且很可能向南分散到东非山区和婆罗洲。