American Antiquity ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-09 , DOI: 10.1017/aaq.2024.19
Justin M. Reamer
From the Archaic period onward, Indigenous populations across the Eastern Woodlands cultivated a suite of crops known to archaeologists as the Eastern Agricultural Complex. However, aside from squash (Cucurbita pepo) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus), little evidence exists for the cultivation of these plants in the northeastern Algonquian homeland. Botanical analysis from the Manna site (36Pi4), located in the Upper Delaware Valley, provides evidence for the cultivation of the full suite of Eastern Agricultural Complex crops. Flotation samples analyzed from Manna provide the first evidence for possible Lenape cultivation of chenopodium (Chenopodium berlandieri), squash, sunflower, and marshelder (Iva annua) from contexts dating to AD 0–1650 (Middle and Late Woodland) at Manna. Lenape cultivation of these crops complicates the traditional view of Indigenous agricultural systems in northeastern North America and raises questions about when and how these species were introduced to the region.

特拉华河谷上游东部农业综合作物的证据:来自甘露遗址的植物学分析 (36Pi4)
从远古时期开始,东部林地的原住民种植了一系列被考古学家称为东部农业综合体的农作物。然而,除了南瓜( Cucurbita pepo )和向日葵( Helianthus annuus )之外,几乎没有证据表明阿尔冈昆故乡东北部种植了这些植物。位于特拉华河谷上游的甘露遗址 (36Pi4) 的植物学分析为种植全套东部农业综合体作物提供了证据。对甘露中浮选样品的分析为莱纳佩人可能在甘露中种植藜 ( Chenopodium berlandieri )、南瓜、向日葵和马谢菜 ( Iva annua ) 提供了第一个证据,其背景可追溯到公元 0-1650 年(林地中期和晚期)。这些作物的 Lenape 种植使北美东北部土著农业系统的传统观点变得复杂,并引发了有关这些物种何时以及如何引入该地区的问题。