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Review of history and mechanisms of action of lactulose (4-O-β-D-Galactopyranosyl-β-D-fructofuranose): present and future applications in food
Journal of Food Science and Technology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-08 , DOI: 10.1007/s13197-024-05997-z
Vid Vičič , Ruža Pandel Mikuš , Blaž Ferjančič

Lactulose is a synthetic disaccharide composed of galactose and fructose. Literature review of history, legal status and possible food applications of lactulose in functional foods, such as confectionery and beverages. In the colon, lactulose is fermented by the microbiota and acts as a selective modulator of bacterial growth, promoting the growth of Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria. It generates organic acids, such as short-chain fatty acids and lactic acid, which lower the pH of the colon and act as an osmotic laxative. Lactulose was first used in 1957 as an ingredient in an infant formula. Later it was registered as a prescription drug and banned for food use in many countries. In 2012, lactulose received an EU (European union) health claim “contributes to acceleration of intestinal transit”. It can be used in food and food supplements across all age groups, from infants to the elderly. Lactulose has favourable technological properties, such as sweetness of 48–62% sucrose without an aftertaste, high solubility, low cariogenic potential and stability. Lactulose gummy candy, without added sweeteners, has an overall likability comparable to classic sucrose/glucose-based candy. With more than 60 years of safe use in infant, child, adult and elderly population, lactulose is an ideal ingredient for prebiotic functional food. Its technological properties allow for development of functional candy and beverages almost indistinguishable from those made from sucrose.



乳果糖是由半乳糖和果糖组成的合成二糖。关于乳果糖在糖果和饮料等功能性食品中的历史、法律地位和可能的食品应用的文献综述。在结肠中,乳果糖被微生物群发酵,并作为细菌生长的选择性调节剂,促进乳杆菌双歧杆菌的生长。它产生有机酸,如短链脂肪酸和乳酸,降低结肠的 pH 值,起到渗透性泻药的作用。乳果糖于 1957 年首次用作婴儿配方奶粉中的成分。后来它被注册为处方药,并在许多国家禁止用于食品。 2012年,乳果糖获得欧盟(European Union)健康声明“有助于加速肠道运输”。它可用于从婴儿到老年人的所有年龄段的食品和食品补充剂。乳果糖具有良好的工艺性能,如甜度为48-62%蔗糖,无余味,溶解度高,致龋性低,稳定性好。不添加甜味剂的乳果糖软糖总体上与经典的蔗糖/葡萄糖糖果相当。乳果糖在婴儿、儿童、成人和老年人群中的安全使用已有 60 多年的历史,是益生元功能食品的理想成分。其技术特性允许开发与蔗糖制成的功能性糖果和饮料几乎没有区别。
