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Consensus-Driven Recommendations to Support Physician Pregnancy, Adoption, Surrogacy, Parental Leave, and Lactation in Emergency Medicine
Annals of Emergency Medicine ( IF 5.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.annemergmed.2024.03.005
Michelle D Lall 1 , Namita Jayaprakash 2 , Angela Carrick 3 , Bernard P Chang 4 , Nadine T Himelfarb 5 , Ynhi Thomas 6 , Matthew L Wong 7 , Valerie Dobiesz 8 , Neha P Raukar 9 ,

The emergency department clinical environment is unique, and guidelines for promoting supportive and equitable workplace cultures ensure success and longevity for pregnant persons and parents in emergency medicine. There is paucity, variability, and dissatisfaction with current parental (historically referred to as maternity and paternity) leave policies. This paper describes the development of consensus-derived recommendations to serve as a framework for emergency departments across the country for incorporating family-friendly policies. Policies that foster a family-inclusive workplace by allowing for professional advancement without sacrificing personal values regardless of sex, gender, and gender identity are critical for emergency medicine recruitment and retention.


