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Men’s Perception of Women’s Passive Sexual Responses Impacts Their Decision-Making During Simulated Hookups
Sex Roles ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s11199-024-01468-z
Samantha L. Anduze , Michael T. Shaw , Bridget N. Jules , Emily R. Ives , Allison M. McKinnon , Richard E. Mattson

A woman’s passive response to a sexual advance can be misconstrued by men as signaling consent when it does not. Characterological factors and situational variances may further shape how men perceive a woman’s passive response and impact their sexual decisions during hookups, leading to unwanted sexual experiences for the partner. A sample of men (n = 357) completed first-person factorial vignettes depicting a sexual hookup in which a woman reacts to their partner’s sexual advance passively, either with or without signs of tension. Men were asked to rate their perceptions of consent and their hypothetical likelihood of engaging in different sexual behaviors, and completed assessments that were used to extract hostile masculinity and impersonal sexual orientation factors. Consent perceptions had strong effects on men’s sexual decision-making and mediated situational influences (e.g., passive response type), impersonal sexual orientation, and, to some extent, hostile masculinity; and hostile masculinity had strong direct effects on sexual decision-making irrespective of consent perceptions. Men can discriminate between passive responses and appear to calibrate their decision-making according to their perceptions of consent. Some men, however, are prone to perceive consent in passive responding irrespective of the situation, with others inclined to continue or advance intimacy without considering the woman’s level of consent.



女性对性挑衅的被动反应可能会被男性误解为表示同意,而实际上并不同意。性格因素和情境差异可能会进一步影响男性如何看待女性的被动反应,并影响他们在勾搭过程中的性决定,导致伴侣遭受不想要的性经历。男性样本(n  = 357)完成了描述性勾搭的第一人称阶乘小插图,其中女性对其伴侣的性挑衅做出被动反应,无论有或没有紧张迹象。男性被要求评价他们对同意的看法以及他们进行不同性行为的假设可能性,并完成用于提取敌对男性气质和客观性取向因素的评估。同意观念对男性的性决策和介导的情境影响(例如被动反应类型)、非个人性取向以及在某种程度上的敌对男性气质有强烈影响;敌对的男性气质对性决策有着强烈的直接影响,无论是否同意。男性可以区分被动反应,并似乎根据自己对同意的看法来调整自己的决策。然而,一些男性无论在什么情况下都倾向于被动回应,认为同意,而另一些男性则倾向于在不考虑女性同意程度的情况下继续或推进亲密关系。
