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Rethinking the geography of sustainability transitions by considering human-nature connections in rural areas
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.eist.2024.100851
Vincent Vindevoghel

Despite recent studies which emphasize the importance of human-nature connections (HNCs) in sustainability transitions, the literature on the geography of sustainability transitions focuses mainly on urban areas and transnational aspects, ignoring the role of HNCs. In this paper, we study HNCs in rural areas through a case study of the French mountains. Based on 31 interviews with local actors, the results show that individuals’ proximity to nature in the French mountains enables them to reconnect with nature and that this generates knowledge and leads to strong HNCs. The results also call for investigation of the roles that tourism and revised local governance could play in fostering sustainability transitions. Overall, this paper demonstrates the need for studies on the geography of sustainability transitions to consider HNCs and rural areas.



尽管最近的研究强调人与自然联系(HNC)在可持续发展转型中的重要性,但有关可持续发展转型地理的文献主要集中在城市地区和跨国方面,忽视了 HNC 的作用。在本文中,我们通过法国山区的案例研究农村地区的 HNC。基于对当地参与者的 31 次采访,结果表明,个人在法国山区与自然的亲近使他们能够重新与自然建立联系,这会产生知识并导致强大的 HNC。研究结果还要求调查旅游业和修订后的地方治理在促进可持续转型方面可以发挥的作用。总体而言,本文表明需要对可持续转型的地理进行研究,以考虑跨国公司和农村地区。