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The Royal Chapel of Pedro I of Castile in the Christianised Mosque of Seville
Arts ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-08 , DOI: 10.3390/arts13030084
Pablo Gumiel-Campos 1, 2

Pedro I of Castile (1350–1369) founded a royal chapel in the Christianised Mosque of Seville. He intended to house there his body, that of Queen María de Padilla, and their son the Infant Alfonso (1359–1362). This mausoleum is well documented both in the king’s will and in the chronicles of López de Ayala; however, there are no material remains as it was demolished with the construction of the new cathedral in the 15th century. In this article, we seek to produce a state of the art history of the building, a compilation of all the documentary sources that exist for its analysis, and an approach to the problems that hinder its study. We have also tried, unsuccessfully, to put forward a hypothesis about its original location, but we have come up against a dead end. Despite this, we consider it essential to lay all the cards on the table and prevent the mausoleum from falling into oblivion.



卡斯蒂利亚的佩德罗一世(Pedro I of Castile,1350-1369 年)在塞维利亚的基督教清真寺内建立了一座皇家礼拜堂。他打算在那里安置他的遗体,即玛丽亚·德·帕迪利亚王后和他们的儿子婴儿阿方索(1359-1362 年)的遗体。这座陵墓在国王的遗嘱和洛佩斯·德·阿亚拉的编年史中都有详细记载。然而,由于15世纪新大教堂的建设而被拆除,因此没有任何物质遗迹。在本文中,我们力求介绍该建筑的艺术史,汇编所有现有的用于分析的文献资料,以及解决阻碍其研究的问题的方法。我们还尝试提出关于其原始位置的假设,但没有成功,但我们遇到了死胡同。尽管如此,我们认为有必要将所有牌摆在桌面上,防止陵墓被遗忘。