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Herbicide safener isoxadifen‐ethyl associated with increased Goss's wilt severity in corn (Zea mays)
Pest Management Science ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-08 , DOI: 10.1002/ps.8157
Nathan H Haugrud 1 , Andrew Friskop 2 , Joseph T Ikley 1

BACKGROUNDGoss's bacterial wilt and leaf blight (Goss's wilt), caused by the bacterium Clavibacter nebraskensis, is a corn disease that has been a top ten yield‐reducing disease in North America in the past 15 years. Isoxadifen‐ethyl is an herbicide safener that effectively increases cytochrome P450 activity in corn which enhances a plant's metabolism of herbicide molecules. Recent research found a potential link between isoxadifen‐ethyl and increased Goss's wilt severity.RESULTSThe application of isoxadifen‐ethyl increased (P = 0.014–0.046) area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) by 19%, 7%, and 9% at three environments, independent of accompanying herbicide or herbicide application timing. However, no significant differences in incidence of systemic wilt or corn grain yield occurred among treatments at any environment.CONCLUSIONThese data provide evidence for an association between isoxadifen‐ethyl safener and Goss's wilt in corn. The reason for this association is unknown, but the safener may affect plant or pathogen physiological mechanisms. While the increased disease severity did not result in decreased grain yield in these experiments, an increase in pathogen inoculum due to higher disease severity could influence Goss' wilt epidemics in future years. © 2024 Society of Chemical Industry.



背景戈斯青枯病和叶枯病(戈斯枯萎病),由细菌引起内布拉斯杆菌,是一种玉米病害,近15年来一直是北美十大减产病害。 Isoxadifen-ethyl 是一种除草剂安全剂,可有效增加玉米中细胞色素 P450 的活性,从而增强植物对除草剂分子的代谢。最近的研究发现,二恶英乙酯与戈斯枯萎病严重程度增加之间存在潜在联系。结果二苯恶草酯的使用增加了(= 0.014–0.046)疾病进展曲线下面积(AUDPC)在三种环境下分别增加了 19%、7% 和 9%,与伴随的除草剂或除草剂施用时间无关。然而,在任何环境下的处理之间,系统性枯萎病的发生率或玉米籽粒产量都没有显着差异。结论这些数据为异恶恶灵安全剂与玉米戈斯枯萎病之间的关联提供了证据。这种关联的原因尚不清楚,但安全剂可能会影响植物或病原体的生理机制。虽然在这些实验中,疾病严重程度的增加并没有导致谷物产量下降,但由于疾病严重程度较高而导致的病原体接种量的增加可能会影响未来几年戈斯枯萎病的流行。 © 2024 化学工业协会。