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Living fast, dying young: Anthropogenic habitat modification influences the fitness and life history traits of a cooperative breeder
Ecology Letters ( IF 7.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-08 , DOI: 10.1111/ele.14434
Alejandro Alamán 1 , Enrique Casas 2 , Manuel Arbelo 2 , Oded Keynan 3, 4 , Lee Koren 1

Anthropogenic habitat modification can indirectly effect reproduction and survival in social species by changing the group structure and social interactions. We assessed the impact of habitat modification on the fitness and life history traits of a cooperative breeder, the Arabian babbler (Argya squamiceps). We collected spatial, reproductive and social data on 572 individuals belonging to 21 social groups over 6 years and combined it with remote sensing to characterize group territories in an arid landscape. In modified resource‐rich habitats, groups bred more and had greater productivity, but individuals lived shorter lives than in natural habitats. Habitat modification favoured a faster pace‐of‐life with lower dispersal and dominance acquisition ages, which might be driven by higher mortality providing opportunities for the dominant breeding positions. Thus, habitat modification might indirectly impact fitness through changes in social structures. This study shows that trade‐offs in novel anthropogenic opportunities might offset survival costs by increased productivity.



人为栖息地改变可以通过改变群体结构和社会互动来间接影响社会物种的繁殖和生存。我们评估了栖息地改造对合作饲养者阿拉伯鹛的健康和生活史特征的影响(鳞头阿克亚)。我们在 6 年内收集了属于 21 个社会群体的 572 名个体的空间、生殖和社会数据,并将其与遥感相结合,以描绘干旱地区的群体领地特征。在经过改造的资源丰富的栖息地中,群体繁殖更多,生产力更高,但个体的寿命比自然栖息地短。栖息地的改变有利于更快的生活节奏,以及更低的扩散和优势获得年龄,这可能是由于更高的死亡率为优势繁殖地位提供了机会。因此,栖息地的改变可能会通过社会结构的变化间接影响健康。这项研究表明,新的人为机会的权衡可能会通过提高生产力来抵消生存成本。