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The problems of the Anthropocene in the Geologic Time Scale, and beyond
Earth-Science Reviews ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2024.104796
Carles Soriano

The formalization of the Anthropocene in the Geologic Time Scale (GTS) is a matter of debate. An assessment of the two current options, one formalizing the Anthropocene as an Epoch and the other considering the Anthropocene as an informal event in the Earth's history that does not require formalization, are critically analyzed. The focus of the analysis is on the philosophical issues underlying these two options, which make them unsatisfactory for addressing the occurrence of humans on Earth and the evolution of the relationship between humans and nature. Essentially, the approach followed by these options is non-historical, and does not undertake a research on the structural socio-economic roots of the Anthropocene. As a result, the concept of the Anthropocene is unable to identify the particular and historical form of Anthropos underlying the ongoing environmental degradation. Some inconsistencies in the current configuration of the GTS and in the rules for formalizing units inherited from the historical tradition of the GTS are also highlighted. The current dualistic approach of the Earth system science community, including the two options analyzed for the Anthropocene, prevents a proper understanding of the relationship between humans and nature, which is fundamental to confront the Earth's habitability crisis of the Anthropocene.



人类世在地质时间尺度(GTS)中的形式化是一个有争议的问题。对当前两种选择的评估进行了批判性分析,一种将人类世正式化为一个纪元,另一种将人类世视为地球历史上不需要正式化的非正式事件。分析的重点是这两个选项背后的哲学问题,这些问题使得它们不能令人满意地解决人类在地球上的出现以及人与自然关系的演变。从本质上讲,这些选择所遵循的方法是非历史的,并且没有对人类世的结构性社会经济根源进行研究。因此,人类世的概念无法识别持续环境退化背后的人类的特殊历史形式。还强调了 GTS 当前配置和继承自 GTS 历史传统的单位形式化规则中的一些不一致之处。当前地球系统科学界的二元论方法,包括对人类世分析的两种选择,阻碍了对人类与自然之间关系的正确理解,而这对于应对人类世地球宜居性危机至关重要。