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Correlates of K-12 Students’ Intertextual Integration
Educational Psychology Review ( IF 10.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s10648-024-09889-8
Daniel R. Espinas , Brennan W. Chandler

We conducted a systematic review of research involving K-12 students that examined associations among individual differences factors (e.g., working memory) and intertextual integration. We identified 25 studies published in 23 peer-reviewed journal articles and two dissertations/theses. These examined a wide range of individual difference factors, which we organized into four categories: (a) language and literacy, (b) cognition and metacognition, (c) knowledge and beliefs, and (d) motivation, emotion, and personality. We found large variation in the participants, tasks, and document types, and little systematic replication across studies. Nonetheless, results generally showed that variation in literacy, cognition, metacognition, knowledge, beliefs, and motivation are positively and moderately associated with intertextual integration. We discuss the limitations of this work and offer four recommendations for future research.


K-12 学生互文整合的相关性

我们对涉及 K-12 学生的研究进行了系统回顾,研究了个体差异因素(例如工作记忆)与互文整合之间的关联。我们确定了 23 篇同行评审期刊文章和两篇论文/论文中发表的 25 项研究。这些检查了广泛的个体差异因素,我们将其分为四类:(a)语言和读写能力,(b)认知和元认知,(c)知识和信仰,以及(d)动机、情感和个性。我们发现参与者、任务和文档类型存在很大差异,并且研究之间几乎没有系统的重复。尽管如此,结果普遍表明,读写能力、认知、元认知、知识、信仰和动机的变化与互文整合呈正相关和适度相关。我们讨论了这项工作的局限性,并为未来的研究提供了四项建议。
