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Unveiling cellular and molecular aspects of ascending thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections
Basic Research in Cardiology ( IF 7.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s00395-024-01053-1
Berta H. Ganizada , Rogier J. A. Veltrop , Asim C. Akbulut , Rory R. Koenen , Ryan Accord , Roberto Lorusso , Jos G. Maessen , Koen Reesink , Elham Bidar , Leon J. Schurgers

Ascending thoracic aortic aneurysm (ATAA) remains a significant medical concern, with its asymptomatic nature posing diagnostic and monitoring challenges, thereby increasing the risk of aortic wall dissection and rupture. Current management of aortic repair relies on an aortic diameter threshold. However, this approach underestimates the complexity of aortic wall disease due to important knowledge gaps in understanding its underlying pathologic mechanisms.

Since traditional risk factors cannot explain the initiation and progression of ATAA leading to dissection, local vascular factors such as extracellular matrix (ECM) and vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) might harbor targets for early diagnosis and intervention. Derived from diverse embryonic lineages, VSMCs exhibit varied responses to genetic abnormalities that regulate their contractility. The transition of VSMCs into different phenotypes is an adaptive response to stress stimuli such as hemodynamic changes resulting from cardiovascular disease, aging, lifestyle, and genetic predisposition. Upon longer exposure to stress stimuli, VSMC phenotypic switching can instigate pathologic remodeling that contributes to the pathogenesis of ATAA.

This review aims to illuminate the current understanding of cellular and molecular characteristics associated with ATAA and dissection, emphasizing the need for a more nuanced comprehension of the impaired ECM–VSMC network.




由于传统的危险因素无法解释导致夹层的 ATAA 的发生和进展,因此细胞外基质 (ECM) 和血管平滑肌细胞 (VSMC) 等局部血管因素可能成为早期诊断和干预的目标。 VSMC 源自不同的胚胎谱系,对调节其收缩性的基因异常表现出不同的反应。 VSMC 向不同表型的转变是对应激刺激的适应性反应,例如心血管疾病、衰老、生活方式和遗传倾向引起的血流动力学变化。长时间暴露于应激刺激下,VSMC 表型转换可以引发病理重塑,从而导致 ATAA 的发病机制。

本综述旨在阐明目前对与 ATAA 和解剖相关的细胞和分子特征的理解,强调需要更细致地理解受损的 ECM-VSMC 网络。
