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Understanding How Immersive Media Enhance Prosociality: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis
Communication Research ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-06 , DOI: 10.1177/00936502241247534
Fernando Canet 1 , Sebastián Sánchez-Castillo 2

The aim of this article is to present a systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature on the relationship between immersive media and prosociality, specifically in the discipline of social issues. The search was conducted in January 2023 and included research published up to and including 2022. Both parts of the review consider 43 studies. For the meta-analysis, by combining these studies we obtained a total sample size of 5,390 participants. This systematic literature review mainly explores the types of immersive technology that have been used to create the immersive media stimuli considered in the studies and the types of mediated experiences elicited by these productions. Separate meta-analyses were also conducted to explore the moderating role of these variables. The results demonstrate that immersive media can have a significant positive impact on prosociality with a medium effect size. However, this effect can be moderated by the type of immersive experience elicited and by the prosocial outcome being evaluated.



本文的目的是对沉浸式媒体与亲社会性之间关系的文献进行系统回顾和荟萃分析,特别是在社会问题学科中。该检索于 2023 年 1 月进行,涵盖 2022 年(含)之前发表的研究。综述的两个部分均考虑了 43 项研究。对于荟萃分析,通过结合这些研究,我们获得了 5,390 名参与者的总样本量。本系统文献综述主要探讨了研究中用于创建沉浸式媒体刺激的沉浸式技术的类型以及这些作品引发的媒介体验的类型。还进行了单独的荟萃分析来探索这些变量的调节作用。结果表明,沉浸式媒体可以对亲社会性产生显着的积极影响,且效果中等。然而,这种影响可以通过引发的沉浸式体验的类型和正在评估的亲社会结果来调节。