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The risky business of ADP-ribosylating telomeric DNA
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology ( IF 12.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-07 , DOI: 10.1038/s41594-024-01285-8
Ylli Doksani 1 , Francisca Lottersberger 2

ADP-ribosylation regulates the activity of numerous proteins involved in the DNA damage response and repair. A new study shows that telomeric DNA can be ADP-ribosylated by PARP1, and prompt removal of the ADP-ribose by TARG1 is essential to preserve telomere integrity, unveiling DNA–ADP-ribosylation as a novel player in telomere stability.


ADP 核糖基化端粒 DNA 的危险业务

ADP-核糖基化调节参与 DNA 损伤反应和修复的众多蛋白质的活性。一项新的研究表明,端粒 DNA 可以被 PARP1 进行 ADP 核糖基化,而 TARG1 迅速去除 ADP 核糖对于保持端粒完整性至关重要,揭示了 DNA-ADP 核糖基化作为端粒稳定性的新参与者。