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Considering farming management at the landscape scale: descriptors and trends on biodiversity. A review
Agronomy for Sustainable Development ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s13593-024-00966-4
Théo Brusse , Kévin Tougeron , Aude Barbottin , Laura Henckel , Frédéric Dubois , Ronan Marrec , Gaël Caro

Farming management and alterations in land cover play crucial roles in driving changes in biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, and the provision of ecosystem services. Whereas land cover corresponds to the identity of cultivated/non-cultivated ecosystems in the landscape, farming management describes all the components of farming activities within crops and grassland (i.e., farming practices, crop successions, and farming systems). Despite extensive research on the relationship between land cover and biodiversity at the landscape scale, there is a surprising scarcity of studies examining the impacts of farming management on biodiversity at the same scale. This is unexpected given the already recognized field-scale impact on biodiversity and ecosystem services, and the fact that most species move or supplement their resources in multiple patches across agricultural landscapes. We conducted a comprehensive literature review aimed at answering two fundamental questions: (1) What components of farming management are considered at the landscape scale? (2) Does farming management at the landscape scale impact biodiversity and associated ecosystem functions and services? We retrieved 133 studies through a query on the Web of Science, published from January 2005 to December 2021 addressing the broad notion of farming management at the landscape scale. The key findings are as follows: (1) The effect of farming management components at the landscape scale on biodiversity was tackled in only 41 studies that highlighted that its response was highly taxon-dependent. They reported positive effects of organic farming on pollinators, weeds, and birds, as well as positive effects of extensification of farming practices on natural enemies. (2) Most studies focused on the effect of organic farming on natural enemies and associated pests, and reported contrasting effects on these taxa. Our study underscores the challenges in quantifying farming management at the landscape scale, and yet its importance in comprehending the dynamics of biodiversity and related ecosystem services.



农业管理和土地覆盖变化在推动生物多样性、生态系统功能和生态系统服务提供的变化方面发挥着至关重要的作用。土地覆盖对应于景观中耕作/非耕作生态系统的特征,而农业管理描述了作物和草地内耕作活动的所有组成部分(即耕作实践、作物演替和耕作系统)。尽管在景观尺度上对土地覆盖和生物多样性之间的关系进行了广泛的研究,但在相同尺度上考察农业管理对生物多样性影响的研究却出人意料地缺乏。鉴于已经认识到对生物多样性和生态系统服务的实地规模影响,以及大多数物种在农业景观的多个斑块中移动或补充其资源的事实,这是出乎意料的。我们进行了全面的文献综述,旨在回答两个基本问题:(1)在景观尺度上考虑农业管理的哪些组成部分? (2) 景观尺度的农业管理是否影响生物多样性和相关的生态系统功能和服务?我们通过对 Web of Science 的查询检索到了 133 项研究,这些研究发表于 2005 年 1 月至 2021 年 12 月,涉及景观尺度农业管理的广泛概念。主要发现如下: (1) 只有 41 项研究探讨了景观尺度上的农业管理组成部分对生物多样性的影响,这些研究强调其反应高度依赖于分类单元。他们报告了有机农业对传粉媒介、杂草和鸟类的积极影响,以及扩大农业实践对天敌的积极影响。 (2) 大多数研究集中于有机农业对天敌和相关害虫的影响,并报告了对这些类群的对比影响。我们的研究强调了在景观尺度上量化农业管理的挑战,及其在理解生物多样性和相关生态系统服务动态方面的重要性。
