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Association between Glucagon-like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonists and the Risk of Glaucoma in Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes
Ophthalmology ( IF 13.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2024.03.004
Siar Niazi 1 , Filip Gnesin 2 , Anna-Sophie Thein 3 , Jens R Andreasen 4 , Anna Horwitz 5 , Zaynab A Mouhammad 6 , Baker N Jawad 7 , Zia Niazi 8 , Nelsan Pourhadi 9 , Bochra Zareini 6 , Amani Meaidi 10 , Christian Torp-Pedersen 2 , Miriam Kolko 11

To examine the association between glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist (GLP-1RA) use and the development of glaucoma in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Nationwide, nested case-control study. From a nationwide cohort of 264 708 individuals, we identified 1737 incident glaucoma cases and matched them to 8685 glaucoma-free controls, all aged more than 21 years and treated with metformin and a second-line antihyperglycemic drug formulation, with no history of glaucoma, eye trauma, or eye surgery. Cases were incidence-density–matched to 5 controls by birth year, sex, and date of second-line treatment initiation. Conditional logistic regression was used to calculate adjusted hazard ratios (HRs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for glaucoma, defined by first-time diagnosis, first-time use of glaucoma-specific medication, or first-time glaucoma-specific surgical intervention. Compared with the reference group, who received treatments other than GLP-1RA, individuals who were exposed to GLP-1RA treatment exhibited a lower risk of incident glaucoma (HR, 0.81; CI, 0.70–0.94; 0.006). Prolonged treatment extending beyond 3 years lowered the risk even further (HR, 0.71; CI, 0.55–0.91; 0.007). Treatment with GLP-1RA for 0 to 1 year (HR, 0.89; CI, 0.70–1.14; 0.35) and 1 to 3 years (HR, 0.85; CI, 0.67–1.06; 0.15) was not significant. Exposure to GLP-1RA was associated with a lower risk of developing glaucoma compared with receiving other second-line antihyperglycemic medication. Proprietary or commercial disclosure may be found after the references.


胰高血糖素样肽 1 受体激动剂与 2 型糖尿病患者青光眼风险之间的关联

研究胰高血糖素样肽 1 受体激动剂 (GLP-1RA) 的使用与 2 型糖尿病患者发生青光眼之间的关系。全国范围内的巢式病例对照研究。我们从全国 264,708 名个体的队列中,确定了 1737 例青光眼发病病例,并将其与 8685 名无青光眼对照者进行匹配,这些对照者年龄均超过 21 岁,接受二甲双胍和二线降血糖药物制剂治疗,没有青光眼病史,眼外伤或眼科手术。病例按发病率密度与 5 名对照者按出生年份、性别和二线治疗开始日期进行匹配。使用条件逻辑回归来计算青光眼的调整后风险比 (HR) 和 95% 置信区间 (CI),定义为首次诊断、首次使用青光眼特异性药物或首次青光眼特异性手术干预。与接受 GLP-1RA 以外治疗的参考组相比,接受 GLP-1RA 治疗的个体发生青光眼的风险较低(HR,0.81;CI,0.70-0.94;0.006)。超过 3 年的长期治疗可进一步降低风险(HR,0.71;CI,0.55-0.91;0.007)。 GLP-1RA治疗0至1年(HR,0.89;CI,0.70-1.14;0.35)和1至3年(HR,0.85;CI,0.67-1.06;0.15)并不显着。与接受其他二线抗高血糖药物相比,接触 GLP-1RA 与较低的青光眼风险相关。专有或商业披露可以在参考文献之后找到。