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Strengthening complex concentrated alloy without ductility loss by 3D printed high-density coherent nanoparticles
International Journal of Plasticity ( IF 9.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijplas.2024.103987
Gang Qin , Qian Yu , Kaiping Yu , Yan Fang , Ruirun Chen , Zhiyuan Liang , Mingxin Huang

Metallic 3D printing enables fast fabrication of net-shaped components for broad engineering applications, yet it restrains the use of most mechanical processing methods for strengthening alloys, e.g. forging, rolling, etc. Here, we proposed a new strategy for enhancing the strength of 3D printed complex concentrated alloys without losing ductility. This strategy relies on the rapid cooling of 3D printing to achieve a supersaturation state that is beyond conventional casting. Then, spinodal decomposition via aging is exploited to introduce high-density coherent nanoparticles for strengthening. The proposed strategy is demonstrated in a 3D printed Cu-based complex concentrated alloy. The rapid solidification during printing strongly inhibits elemental diffusion, leading to a high supersaturation state. High-density nanoparticles with coherent interface and size of ∼7 nm are introduced into the 3D printed samples through spinodal decomposition via simple aging treatment. The strength of the 3D printed alloy is increased by 30 % after aging with no ductility loss, leading to a strength-ductility combination superior to other Cu alloys. This strategy is readily applicable to other spinodal alloys fabricated by 3D printing for circumventing the strength-ductility trade-off dilemma.


通过 3D 打印高密度相干纳米粒子强化复杂浓缩合金而不损失延展性

金属3D打印能够快速制造用于广泛工程应用的网状部件,但它限制了大多数机械加工方法用于强化合金的使用,例如锻造、轧制等。在这里,我们提出了一种增强3D强度的新策略打印复杂的浓缩合金而不损失延展性。该策略依靠 3D 打印的快速冷却来实现超越传统铸造的过饱和状态。然后,利用老化过程中的旋节线分解来引入高密度相干纳米粒子以进行强化。所提出的策略在 3D 打印的铜基复杂浓缩合金中得到了验证。打印过程中的快速凝固强烈抑制元素扩散,导致高过饱和状态。通过简单的时效处理,通过旋节线分解将具有相干界面、尺寸约为 7 nm 的高密度纳米颗粒引入 3D 打印样品中。 3D 打印合金的强度在老化后增加了 30%,且延展性没有损失,从而实现了优于其他铜合金的强度-延展性组合。该策略很容易适用于通过 3D 打印制造的其他旋节线合金,以规避强度-延展性权衡困境。