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Outcomes of Aggression and Victimization in Social Welfare Services
Social Work ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-04 , DOI: 10.1093/sw/swae015
Keren Hadar 1 , Guy Enosh 2 , Shay S Tzafrir 3

This study examined two significant phenomena that occur in the workplace, aggression and victimization, and their outcomes. The study’s participants were 470 social workers employed by social welfare services in Israel. The examined outcomes were stress symptoms, emotional exhumation, and decline in quality of service climate. The associations between aggression, victimization, and their outcomes were examined via linear regression during Stata 14. The study found that the similar outcomes of aggression and victimization are stress symptoms and emotional exhaustion, while service climate (decline in quality) was associated only with victimization. While most studies have examined mainly victimization outcomes, the current study examined both aggression and victimization outcomes. This article sheds light on the similarities and the difference of outcomes between aggression and victimization and explicates the phenomena of workplace aggression from two important and complementary aspects of aggression and victimization. It is important to refer to either aggression or victimization while considering workplace aggression. Authors recommend for further studies to continue to investigate both aggression and victimization while researching workplace aggression outcomes.



这项研究探讨了工作场所中发生的两种重要现象:攻击性和受害性及其后果。该研究的参与者是以色列社会福利服务机构雇用的 470 名社会工作者。检查的结果是压力症状、情绪挖掘和服务质量下降。在 Stata 14 期间,通过线性回归检查了攻击性、受害及其结果之间的关联。研究发现,攻击性和受害的相似结果是压力症状和情绪耗竭,而服务氛围(质量下降)仅与受害相关。虽然大多数研究主要考察了受害结果,但当前的研究同时考察了攻击性和受害结果。本文阐明了攻击性和受害性结果的异同,并从攻击性和受害性这两个重要且互补的方面解释了工作场所攻击性现象。在考虑工作场所的攻击行为时,重要的是要提及攻击行为或受害行为。作者建议进一步研究,在研究工作场所攻击行为结果的同时,继续调查攻击行为和受害行为。