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Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in US Women: Contemporary Prevalence Estimates from the RISE FOR HEALTH Study.
The Journal of Urology ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-04 , DOI: 10.1097/ju.0000000000004009
Siobhan Sutcliffe 1, 2 , Chloe Falke 3 , Cynthia S Fok 4 , James W Griffith 5 , Bernard L Harlow 6 , Kimberly A Kenton 7 , Cora E Lewis 8 , Lisa Kane Low 9 , Jerry L Lowder 1, 2 , Emily S Lukacz 10 , Alayne D Markland 11 , Gerald McGwin 8 , Melanie R Meister 12 , Elizabeth R Mueller 13 , Diane K Newman 14 , Ratna Pakpahan 1 , Leslie M Rickey 15 , Todd Rockwood 16 , Melissa A Simon 17 , Abigail R Smith 18 , Kyle D Rudser 3 , Ariana L Smith 14

To estimate the prevalence of a wide range of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) in US women, and to explore associations with bother and discussion with healthcare providers, friends, and family.


美国女性下尿路症状:来自 RISE FOR HEALTH 研究的当代患病率估计。

旨在估计美国女性中各种下尿路症状 (LUTS) 的患病率,并探索与麻烦的关联以及与医疗保健提供者、朋友和家人的讨论。