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Who is more likely to upgrade to e-cars? Comparing the intentions of electric and conventional motorcycle riders in Vietnam
Travel Behaviour and Society ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tbs.2024.100810
Minh Hieu Nguyen , Dorina Pojani , Duy Quy Nguyen-Phuoc , Thanh Tung Ha , Thanh Chuong Nguyen

The shift from motorcycles to cars is rapidly accelerating in Vietnam – traditionally, a motorcycle-oriented country. Given high levels of pollution, a switch to e-cars as opposed to conventional cars is seen as a lesser evil. This study examines the intention to switch to e-cars among riders of conventional and electric motorcycles. The empirical data consist of nearly 1,000 original surveys collected in Hanoi in 2023, which are analysed through Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM). Theoretically, the study adapts the Push-Pull-Mooring (PPM) model. We find that younger motorcycle riders from higher-income households are more interested in e-cars. The pull effects of e-cars are the strongest drivers of the intention to switch from motorcycles, whereas the push effects of motorcycles (whether conventional or electric) are much weaker. The mooring effects are similarly small but have moderating effects on pull factors. Electric motorcyclists have a stronger intention to upgrade to e-cars, partly due to their pro-environment values. The experience (and perhaps habit) of using an e-vehicle type appears to have a positive influence on the intention to adopt other green modes. In the status-conscious context of Vietnam, the concept of “saving face” through vehicle purchases is important too.



在越南这个传统上以摩托车为主导的国家,从摩托车到汽车的转变正在迅速加速。鉴于污染水平较高,与传统汽车相比,转向电动汽车被认为是两害相权取其轻。这项研究调查了传统摩托车和电动摩托车骑手转向电动汽车的意愿。经验数据由 2023 年在河内收集的近 1,000 份原始调查组成,并通过偏最小二乘结构方程模型 (PLS-SEM) 进行分析。理论上,该研究采用推拉系泊(PPM)模型。我们发现来自高收入家庭的年轻摩托车骑手对电动汽车更感兴趣。电动汽车的拉动效应是促使人们放弃摩托车的最强动力,而摩托车(无论是传统摩托车还是电动摩托车)的推动效应则要弱得多。系泊效应同样很小,但对拉力因素有调节作用。电动摩托车手升级为电动汽车的意愿更强烈,部分原因在于其环保价值观。使用电动汽车类型的经验(或许还有习惯)似乎对采用其他绿色模式的意图产生积极影响。在越南注重地位的背景下,通过购买车辆“挽回面子”的概念也很重要。