Radiology ( IF 12.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-30 , DOI: 10.1148/radiol.231991 Wendie A Berg 1 , Jeremy M Berg 1 , Andriy I Bandos 1 , Adrienne Vargo 1 , Denise M Chough 1 , Amy H Lu 1 , Marie A Ganott 1 , Amy E Kelly 1 , Bronwyn E Nair 1 , Jamie Y Hartman 1 , Uzma Waheed 1 , Christiane M Hakim 1 , Kimberly S Harnist 1 , Ruthane F Reginella 1 , Dilip D Shinde 1 , Bea A Carlin 1 , Cathy S Cohen 1 , Luisa P Wallace 1 , Jules H Sumkin 1 , Margarita L Zuley 1
Digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) is often inadequate for screening women with a personal history of breast cancer (PHBC). The ongoing prospective Tomosynthesis or Contrast-Enhanced Mammography, or TOCEM, trial includes three annual screenings with both DBT and contrast-enhanced mammography (CEM).
To perform interim assessment of cancer yield, stage, and recall rate when CEM is added to DBT in women with PHBC.
Materials and Methods
From October 2019 to December 2022, two radiologists interpreted both examinations: Observer 1 reviewed DBT first and then CEM, and observer 2 reviewed CEM first and then DBT. Effects of adding CEM to DBT on incremental cancer detection rate (ICDR), cancer type and node status, recall rate, and other performance characteristics of the primary radiologist decisions were assessed.
Among the participants (mean age at entry, 63.6 years ± 9.6 [SD]), 1273, 819, and 227 women with PHBC completed year 1, 2, and 3 screening, respectively. For observer 1, year 1 cancer yield was 20 of 1273 (15.7 per 1000 screenings) for DBT and 29 of 1273 (22.8 per 1000 screenings; ICDR, 7.1 per 1000 screenings [95% CI: 3.2, 13.4]) for DBT plus CEM (P < .001). Year 2 plus 3 cancer yield was four of 1046 (3.8 per 1000 screenings) for DBT and eight of 1046 (7.6 per 1000 screenings; ICDR, 3.8 per 1000 screenings [95% CI: 1.0, 7.6]) for DBT plus CEM (P = .001). Year 1 recall rate for observer 1 was 103 of 1273 (8.1%) for (incidence) DBT alone and 187 of 1273 (14.7%) for DBT plus CEM (difference = 84 of 1273, 6.6% [95% CI: 5.3, 8.1]; P < .001). Year 2 plus 3 recall rate was 40 of 1046 (3.8%) for DBT and 92 of 1046 (8.8%) for DBT plus CEM (difference = 52 of 1046, 5.0% [95% CI: 3.7, 6.3]; P < .001). In 18 breasts with cancer detected only at CEM after integration of both observers, 13 (72%) cancers were invasive (median tumor size, 0.6 cm) and eight of nine (88%) with staging were N0. Among 1883 screenings with adequate reference standard, there were three interval cancers (one at the scar, two in axillae).
CEM added to DBT increased early breast cancer detection each year in women with PHBC, with an accompanying approximately 5.0%–6.6% recall rate increase.
Clinical trial registration no. NCT04085510
© RSNA, 2024
Supplemental material is available for this article.

在有乳腺癌个人史的女性中添加对比增强乳房 X 光检查和断层合成来检测乳腺癌:前瞻性 TOCEM 试验中期分析
数字乳房断层合成 (DBT) 通常不足以筛查有乳腺癌 (PHBC) 个人病史的女性。正在进行的前瞻性断层合成或对比增强乳房X线摄影(TOCEM)试验包括每年三次的DBT和对比增强乳房X线摄影(CEM)筛查。
当 CEM 添加到 DBT 中时,对 PHBC 女性的癌症发生率、分期和召回率进行中期评估。
从2019年10月到2022年12月,两名放射科医生解读了两次检查:观察员1先审查DBT,然后审查CEM,观察员2首先审查CEM,然后审查DBT。评估了在 DBT 中添加 CEM 对增量癌症检出率 (ICDR)、癌症类型和淋巴结状态、召回率以及主要放射科医生决策的其他性能特征的影响。
在参与者中(平均入组年龄为 63.6 岁 ± 9.6 [SD]),分别有 1273 名、819 名和 227 名 PHBC 女性完成了第 1 年、第 2 年和第 3 年的筛查。对于观察者 1,DBT 的第 1 年癌症发生率为 1273 例中的 20 例(每 1000 例筛查 15.7 例),DBT 加 CEM 的癌症发生率为 1273 例中的 29 例(每 1000 例筛查 22.8 例;ICDR,每 1000 例筛查 7.1 例 [95% CI:3.2,13.4]) ( P < .001)。对于 DBT,第 2 年加第 3 年的癌症发生率为 1046 例中的 4 例(每 1000 例筛查 3.8 例),而 DBT 加 CEM 的第 2 年加 3 年癌症发生率为 1046 例中的 8 例(每 1000 例筛查 7.6 例;ICDR,每 1000 例筛查 3.8 例 [95% CI:1.0,7.6])( P = .001)。观察者 1 的第 1 年回忆率为(发生率)DBT 的 1273 例中的 103 例 (8.1%),DBT 加 CEM 的 1273 例中的 187 例 (14.7%)(差异 = 1273 例中的 84 例,6.6% [95% CI: 5.3, 8.1] ]; P < .001)。 DBT 的第 2 年加第 3 年回忆率为 1046 人中的 40 人 (3.8%),DBT 加 CEM 的人为 1046 人中的 92 人 (8.8%)(差异 = 1046 人中的 52 人,5.0% [95% CI: 3.7, 6.3]; P < . 001)。在整合两名观察者后仅在 CEM 检测到的 18 例乳腺癌中,13 例 (72%) 癌症为侵袭性(中位肿瘤大小为 0.6 厘米),9 例中的 8 例 (88%) 分期为 N0。在具有足够参考标准的 1883 次筛查中,发现了 3 例间隔癌(1 例位于疤痕处,2 例位于腋窝处)。
CEM 与 DBT 相结合,每年都会增加 PHBC 女性的早期乳腺癌检出率,同时召回率也随之增加约 5.0%–6.6%。
© 北美放射学会,2024