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Sense of place of tourism destinations in a metaverse paradigm
Tourism Management ( IF 10.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tourman.2024.104958
Li Miao , Fiona X. Yang , Jingjing Hu , Kanye Ye Wang , Qiao Zhang

This thought-provoking conceptual research pioneers the conceptualization of sense of place (SOP) in tourism within a metaverse paradigm, where the convergence of real and digital realms compels us to reframe our understanding of tourism destinations. Built upon three major perspectives, corresponding paradigm shifts have been proposed: (1) SOP as an individual's cognition of a tourism destination: from multimodal–socio-psychological to embodied–augmented; (2) SOP as the interconnection between an individual and a destination: from a person-to-place bond to a multiple person–place unity; and (3) SOP as modalities that communicate meanings of a destination: from narratology (stories) to dramaturgy (plays). This study aims to catalyze further research that re-examine established assumptions and conceptualizations of tourism-related constructs, given the ever-evolving technological landscape.



这项发人深省的概念研究开创了虚拟宇宙范式中旅游地方感(SOP)的概念化,其中现实和数字领域的融合迫使我们重新构建对旅游目的地的理解。基于三个主要视角,提出了相应的范式转变:(1)SOP作为个人对旅游目的地的认知:从多模态——社会心理到体现——增强; (2) SOP作为个人与目的地之间的互连:从人与地的联系到多人与地的统一; (3) SOP 作为传达目的地意义的方式:从叙事学(故事)到戏剧学(戏剧)。鉴于不断发展的技术格局,本研究旨在促进进一步的研究,重新审视旅游相关结构的既定假设和概念化。