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Radiation therapy for ventricular arrhythmias
Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-03 , DOI: 10.1111/1754-9485.13662
Xingzhou Liulu 1 , Poornima Balaji 2, 3 , Jeffrey Barber 4, 5 , Kasun De Silva 2, 3 , Tiarne Murray 4 , Andrew Hickey 4 , Timothy Campbell 2, 3 , Jill Harris 4 , Harriet Gee 4, 5 , Verity Ahern 4, 5 , Saurabh Kumar 2, 3, 5 , Eric Hau 4, 5, 6, 7 , Pierre C Qian 2, 3, 5

Ventricular arrhythmias (VA) can be life‐threatening arrhythmias that result in significant morbidity and mortality. Catheter ablation (CA) is an invasive treatment modality that can be effective in the treatment of VA where medications fail. Recurrence occurs commonly following CA due to an inability to deliver lesions of adequate depth to cauterise the electrical circuits that drive VA or reach areas of scar responsible for VA. Stereotactic body radiotherapy is a non‐invasive treatment modality that allows volumetric delivery of energy to treat circuits that cannot be reached by CA. It overcomes the weaknesses of CA and has been successfully utilised in small clinical trials to treat refractory VA. This article summarises the current evidence for this novel treatment modality and the steps that will be required to bring it to the forefront of VA treatment.



室性心律失常(VA)可能是危及生命的心律失常,导致显着的发病率和死亡率。导管消融 (CA) 是一种侵入性治疗方式,可有效治疗药物无效的 VA。由于无法提供足够深度的病变来烧灼驱动 VA 的电路或到达负责 VA 的疤痕区域,CA 后通常会出现复发。立体定向放射治疗是一种非侵入性治疗方式,可以通过体积输送能量来治疗 CA 无法到达的回路。它克服了CA的弱点,并已成功用于治疗难治性VA的小型临床试验。本文总结了这种新型治疗方式的当前证据以及将其推向 VA 治疗前沿所需的步骤。