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Rapid Separation and API Grades Identification of Base Oil in Low Viscosity Gasoline Engine Oil SN 0W-16
ACS Omega ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-30 , DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.4c01291
Guiying Kang 1 , Fengyuan Zhang 1 , Hailu Liu 1 , Binbin Wei 1 , Zhiliang Jin 1 , Huiying Lv 1

Using low viscosity engine oil is one of the most economical and easily achievable ways to improve fuel economy. Base oil is a main component in low viscosity engine oils, and therefore, the separation and identification of its are of great significance for oil product developers to prepare high-performance lubricants. However, the extraction methods reported for base oils mainly adopt membrane dialysis, which not only fails to completely separate the base oil but also wastes a large amount of solvent. The reason for this result is that the concentration of substances inside and outside the membrane cannot always be in an imbalanced state of permeation resulting from manual operation. Additionally, most studies primarily focus on the characterization of base oil components, while there are few reports on grade identification. For the above reasons, an economically effective separation technique of base oil from low viscosity gasoline engine oil SN 0W-16 is successfully established by combining improved Soxhlet extraction and a column chromatography separation method. By applying this method, the yield of extracting base oil generally exceeds 96%, and the solvent can also save more than 3 times. Besides, an exclusion method is built through several simple characterization steps including viscosity index (VI), FT-IR, size-exclusion chromatography (SEC), and hydrocarbon composition, which can quickly identify the American Petroleum Institute (API) grade and brand of the base oils.


低粘度汽油机油 SN 0W-16 中基础油的快速分离和 API 等级鉴定

使用低粘度发动机油是提高燃油经济性最经济、最容易实现的方法之一。基础油是低粘度发动机油的主要成分,因此其分离和鉴定对于油品开发商制备高性能润滑油具有重要意义。但目前报道的基础油提取方法主要采用膜渗析,不仅不能完全分离基础油,而且浪费大量溶剂。造成这种结果的原因是由于人工操作导致膜内外物质浓度不能始终处于渗透不平衡状态。此外,大多数研究主要集中在基础油成分的表征上,而关于等级鉴定的报道很少。鉴于上述原因,通过改进索氏萃取与柱色谱分离方法相结合,成功建立了一种经济有效的从低粘度汽油机油SN 0W-16中分离基础油的技术。采用该方法,提取基础油的收率一般超过96%,溶剂也可节省3倍以上。此外,通过粘度指数(VI)、FT-IR、尺寸排阻色谱(SEC)和烃成分等几个简单的表征步骤建立了排除方法,可以快速识别美国石油协会(API)的等级和品牌。基础油。