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Digital multimodal composing in L2 classrooms: A research agenda
Language Teaching ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-03 , DOI: 10.1017/s0261444824000107
Lianjiang (George) Jiang , Christoph Hafner

Research on digital multimodal composing (DMC) in second language (L2) classrooms has proliferated considerably in recent years, to a large extent in response to the changing digital and multimodal communication landscape. This article offers a research agenda on DMC in L2 classrooms. We begin with a theoretically oriented overview of DMC scholarship. We then examine seven research themes for future research inquiry, from which we draw seven research tasks. The seven themes are: (1) the effectiveness of DMC for L2 writing development; (2) DMC task design; (3) L2 teacher education/training for implementing DMC; (4) feedback practice for DMC; (5) DMC assessment; (6) collaborative DMC as a translanguaging space; and (7) the deployment of DMC for critical digital literacies. Throughout the article, we refer to interdisciplinary scholarship and methods from multimodality, L2 writing, composition studies, new literacy studies, language teacher education, and computer-assisted language learning. The seven research tasks represent what we see as the essential next steps for understanding DMC, which is a young domain that has great potential to advance L2 language and literacy education in the digital age.


L2 课堂中的数字多模式作曲:研究议程

近年来,第二语言(L2)课堂中的数字多模态作曲(DMC)研究大幅增加,很大程度上是为了应对不断变化的数字和多模态通信格局。本文提供了关于二语课堂 DMC 的研究议程。我们首先对 DMC 奖学金进行理论概述。然后,我们研究了未来研究探究的七个研究主题,从中我们得出了七个研究任务。这七个主题是:(1)DMC 对二语写作发展的有效性; (2)DMC任务设计; (3) 实施DMC的二级教师教育/培训; (4)DMC反馈实践; (5)DMC评估; (6) 作为跨语言空间的协作 DMC; (7) 为关键数字素养部署 DMC。在整篇文章中,我们提到了多模态、二语写作、作文研究、新读写能力研究、语言教师教育和计算机辅助语言学习等跨学科学术和方法。这七项研究任务代表了我们认为理解 DMC 的重要后续步骤,DMC 是一个年轻的领域,在数字时代推进二语语言和读写教育方面具有巨大潜力。