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Rethinking urban park accessibility in the context of demographic change: A population structure perspective
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ufug.2024.128334
Jie Chen , Hongyu Li , Shixian Luo , Jing Xie , Daer Su , Takeshi Kinoshita

Rapid demographic change has reshaped the demand for and use of urban parks, profoundly affecting park accessibility inequities. In response to the need for park equity planning under demographic change, we have rethought the gaps in existing park accessibility research. In this study, we revisited and modified the two-step floating catchment area (2SFCA) method, re-naming this method as the floatable supply and demand improved 2SFCA (FSD-2SFCA) method. The FSD-2SFCA method considers gaps in environmental preferences and travel abilities among population subgroups to better meet the needs of urban park planning based on demographic changes. Overall, the FSD-2SFCA method is robust, sensitive, flexible, and scalable. The method measured park accessibility in Higashiosaka City under existing and projected population dynamics (2020–2060). The results showed that spatial differences and inequalities in park accessibility exist in Higashiosaka City and that park accessibility inequities among age groups showed different trends as the population changed. In addition, park accessibility is generally the lowest and most inequitable for older adults. Our study highlights that in addressing demographic change, policymakers must consider present equitable distribution of parks and future park accessibility based on population projections to ensure equity-oriented, sustainable urban park planning.



快速的人口变化重塑了城市公园的需求和使用,深刻影响了公园可达性的不平等。针对人口变化下公园权益规划的需要,我们重新思考了现有公园可达性研究的空白。在本研究中,我们重新审视并修改了两步浮动集水区(2SFCA)方法,将该方法重新命名为可浮动供给和需求改进的2SFCA(FSD-2SFCA)方法。 FSD-2SFCA方法考虑了人口亚群之间环境偏好和出行能力的差距,以更好地满足基于人口变化的城市公园规划需求。总体而言,FSD-2SFCA 方法稳健、灵敏、灵活且可扩展。该方法根据现有和预测的人口动态(2020-2060 年)测量了东大阪市公园的可达性。结果表明,东大阪市公园可达性存在空间差异和不平等,且随着人口变化,各年龄段公园可达性不平等呈现出不同的趋势。此外,对于老年人来说,公园的可达性通常是最低且最不公平的。我们的研究强调,在应对人口变化时,政策制定者必须根据人口预测考虑当前公园的公平分配和未来公园的可达性,以确保以公平为导向的可持续城市公园规划。