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Patterns of intimate partner violence exposure across the first 10 years of life and children's emotional-behavioural outcomes at 10 years
Child Abuse & Neglect ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2024.106814
Alison Fogarty 1 , Stephanie Brown 2 , Deirdre Gartland 3 , Grace McMahon 4 , Kelly FitzPatrick 4 , Monique Seymour 5 , Melissa Kimber 6 , Harriet MacMillan 7 , Rebecca Giallo 1

Childhood exposure to intimate partner violence (IPV) is associated with emotional-behavioural problems. However, little is known about children's emotional-behavioural outcomes following exposure to different long-term patterns of IPV. The current study aimed to investigate the emotional-behavioural functioning of children at 10 years of age following exposure to different patterns of IPV across the first 10 years of life. Data for this study was drawn from the Mothers' and Young People's Study- a longitudinal study of 1507 first time mothers and their first born child. Women were recruited during pregnancy from six public hospitals in Victoria, Australia. Data was collected during pregnancy, and at one, four and ten years postpartum. Four patterns of IPV exposure were previously identified: (a) minimal IPV exposure; (b) early IPV; (c) Increasing IPV; and (d) persistent IPV. Logistic regression was used to assess associations between IPV exposure and emotional-behavioural outcomes. Exposure to early, increasing, or persistent IPV was associated with increased odds of experiencing emotional-behavioural difficulties (OR 2.15–2.97). Children exposed to a persistent pattern of IPV experienced over 6 times the odds of conduct problems (OR = 6.15 CI = 2.3–16.44). Children exposed to early, increasing, or persistent IPV experienced increased odds of emotional-behavioural problems at age 10, regardless of the duration or type of violence they were exposed to. However, children exposed to persistent IPV across childhood appeared to experience the highest odds of emotional-behavioural difficulties.


生命前 10 年亲密伴侣暴力暴露模式以及儿童 10 岁时的情绪行为结果

童年时期遭受亲密伴侣暴力(IPV)与情绪行为问题有关。然而,对于儿童接触不同长期 IPV 模式后的情绪行为结果知之甚少。目前的研究旨在调查 10 岁儿童在生命的前 10 年中接触不同模式的 IPV 后的情绪行为功能。这项研究的数据来自母亲和年轻人研究——一项针对 1507 名首次当妈妈的人及其第一个出生的孩子的纵向研究。从澳大利亚维多利亚州的六家公立医院招募怀孕期间的妇女。数据是在怀孕期间以及产后一年、四年和十年收集的。先前确定了 IPV 暴露的四种模式: (a) 最小 IPV 暴露; (b) 早期 IPV; (c) 增加 IPV; (d) 持久性 IPV。 Logistic 回归用于评估 IPV 暴露与情绪行为结果之间的关联。早期、增加或持续接触 IPV 与经历情绪行为困难的几率增加相关(OR 2.15-2.97)。暴露于持续性 IPV 模式的儿童出现行为问题的几率是正常人的 6 倍以上 (OR = 6.15 CI = 2.3–16.44)。早期、不断增加或持续接触 IPV 的儿童在 10 岁时出现情绪行为问题的几率会增加,无论他们接触暴力的时间长短或类型如何。然而,在整个童年时期持续接触 IPV 的儿童似乎出现情绪行为困难的可能性最高。