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Exploring environmental equity and visitation disparities in peri-urban parks: A mobile phone data-driven analysis in Tokyo
Landscape and Urban Planning ( IF 7.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2024.105104
ChengHe Guan , Yichun Zhou

Peri-urban parks play a crucial role in enhancing urban living conditions and promoting contact with nature. However, assessing environmental equity and visitor disparities in -urban parks requires a thorough understanding of visitation patterns, which has been lacking in previous research. To bridge the gap, this study utilizes mobile phone big data from over 40,000 visitors to -urban parks in Tokyo. We applied Local Moran's I, Lorenz Curve, Gini coefficient, and K-means clustering methods to scrutinize accessibility and disparities among residents of Tokyo's 23 special wards and within distinct visitor groups. The findings reveal significant insights: Firstly, mobile-based indicators expose disparities, underscoring the relevance of human activities in assessing -urban park accessibility, variations in these indicators highlight the need for a multi-dimensional approach. Secondly, Gini coefficient analysis of mobile-based and two-step floating catchment area (2SFCA) indicators suggest that extending the service radius beyond 10 km could mitigate environmental inequity. Furthermore, visitation disparities are more distinctly illustrated through mobile-derived visitor subgroups compared to age-demographic groups. These findings offer valuable insights for decision-makers in park planning policy, enabling the development of strategies that address accessibility inequity while establishing effective classifications for -urban park visitor groups.



城郊公园在改善城市生活条件和促进与自然的接触方面发挥着至关重要的作用。然而,评估城市公园的环境公平和游客差异需要对游客模式有透彻的了解,而这在以前的研究中是缺乏的。为了弥补这一差距,本研究利用了东京城市公园 40,000 多名游客的手机大数据。我们应用 Local Moran's I、洛伦兹曲线、基尼系数和 K 均值聚类方法来审查东京 23 个特别行政区居民和不同游客群体内的可达性和差异。研究结果揭示了重要的见解:首先,基于移动设备的指标暴露了差异,强调了人类活动在评估城市公园可达性方面的相关性,这些指标的变化凸显了采取多维方法的必要性。其次,基于移动和两步浮动集水区 (2SFCA) 指标的基尼系数分析表明,将服务半径扩大到 10 公里以上可以减轻环境不平等。此外,与年龄人口群体相比,通过移动设备产生的访客亚组更能清楚地说明访问差异。这些研究结果为公园规划政策的决策者提供了宝贵的见解,有助于制定解决可达性不平等问题的策略,同时为城市公园游客群体建立有效的分类。